Yoinked from
Make a list of twelve characters from any fandom(s), then answer the questions behind the cut. Don't read the questions until after you've made your list.
1. Giles (B:tVS)
2. Mr. Herriman (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends)
3. Théodred (Lord of the Rings)
4. Qui-Gon Jinn (Star Wars)
5. Data (Star Trek TNG)
6. Rimmer (Red Dwarf)
7. Jessie (Pokémon)
8. Bloo (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends)
9. Beast (X-Men)
10. Naga the Serpent (Slayers)
11. Vicky Pollard (Little Britain)
12. Edmund Blackadder (Blackadder II)
Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fic? Do you want to? (Rimmer/Vicky Pollard)
I’ve never read one, but I do want to read one now, purely for the WTF value.
Do you think Four is hot? How hot? (Qui-Gon Jinn)
(I swear I didn’t cheat!)
What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant? (Blackadder/Bloo)
…I doubt Blackadder would hang around; that’s if he knew, of course. I don’t think Bloo has the emotional maturity…oh God, this pairing’s so squicky…to tell him, or even connect pregnancy with sex. Anyway, Bloo’d think being pregnant was great, because you could eat all you want, and you’d never have to do any work. In the end he’d give birth to a black and blue striped imaginary adder, that can roll itself into a ball and bounce around. With Madame Foster as the midwife. And Mr. Herriman would totally faint.
Can you rec any fic(s) about Nine? (Beast)
No. I don’t read in the fandom; between the comics, movies and various permutations of the cartoon, it’s too confusing.
Would Two and Six make a good couple? (Herriman/Rimmer)
I think they might get along at first, as they’re both quite anal* and obsessed with rules and regulations. After a while, though, Rimmer would probably get fed up with Herriman, who’d be insisting on strict daily timetables, standing over Rimmer while he studies for his engineer’s exam, and generally nitpicking, and the whole relationship would enter a deathspiral similar to the one Rimmer had with his duplicate in Me2.
Also, Rimmer uses three pieces of toilet paper, whereas Mr. Herriman has a strict two squares rule.
(*…oops. That’s not a word to use when describing a hypothetical relationship between two male characters.)
Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Why? (Data/Beast or Data/Naga)
Not surprisingly, it’s got to be Data/Beast. Beast would understand Data’s quest to be human, and I can see them having lengthy discussions about conformity, acceptance, and what “being human” means.
Whereas Naga would probably get fed up of Data’s constant questions and unleash Explosion Away on him.
What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex? (Jessie walking in on Herriman/Blackadder)
Jessie’d probably take pictures for blackmail purposes later. Herriman would be willing to pay for the negatives -anything to keep that kind of dirt from getting out - but Blackadder would come up with an evil scheme to a) murder her and steal the negatives, or b) reverse blackmail her into giving up the negatives.
Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fic. (Théodred/Naga the Serpent)
Separated from his men in the heat of battle, Théodred’s path crosses that of the greatest sorceress in the land, Naga the Serpent. Rated FRT for jiggling boobies and high-pitched laughter.
Is there any such thing as One/Eight fluff?? (Giles/Bloo)
I really hope not. The idea that Giles would take advantage of someone who was so emotionally immature rubs me all wrong. And even without a sexual dimension, Bloo’s too aggravating even for someone with Giles’ amount of patience.
Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic. (Jessie/Blackadder)
“Stop Being Such a Baby!”
(C’mon. It’s Jessie. She whacks her teammates over the head with hammers.)
What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted Four to deflower One? (Qui-Gon/Giles)
…I swear I didn’t cheat!
Giles, recovering from Randall’s possession by Eyghon and subsequent death during the exorcism, is slowly reintegrating with the Watchers’ Council and has restarted his martial arts training. (He’s in his mid to late twenties, fyi.) Attending extra classes to catch up, he often finds himself in one-on-one tutoring sessions with Sensei Jinn (whose first name would never be stated). Sensei Jinn gets him to start talking about his Ripper days, which leads to some hurt/comfort and much angsting about the master/student boundaries.
Does anyone on your friends list read Seven slash? (Jessie)
I don’t know. She is a hot anime chick, though - any Y-siders (or luscious lesbians) out there wanna represent?
Does anyone on your friends list read Three het? (Théodred)
Well, I definitely have LotR fans on my flist, and some of them mightn’t be averse to some Théodred het. As long as no kincest or Mary-Sues were involved.
Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven? (Vicky Pollard)
I wouldn’t think so, no.
Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five? (Mr. Herriman/Qui-Gon Jinn/Data)
…Hmm. I think there’s at least one person who might write it if I asked really nicely.
What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion? (Naga the Serpent)
Naga wouldn’t scream anything, she’d just give an extra loud version of her patented Naga laugh.
If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, which song would you choose? (Bloo)
“Ooh Stick You” by Daphne and Celeste, because it’s just the kind of song Bloo would go around singing constantly, before getting a stereo and playing it constantly, before hooking the stereo up to the Foster’s intercom system, putting the song on a perpetual loop, and driving everyone mad.
If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warnings be? (Giles/Rimmer/Blackadder)
Crackfic (come on! It’s silly!). Slash (m/m/m), threesome, time-travel, kincest (? Perhaps they’re all ancestors/descendents and they’ve been brought together by some kind of spell), AU.
What might be a good pick-up line for Two to use on Ten? (Mr. Herriman/Naga the Serpent)
“Pardon me, miss, but may I have the pleasure of escorting you on a tour of the house?”
When was the last time you read a fic about Five? (Data)
A few months ago. It was “Data Goes Ballistic”. Let us never speak of it again.
What is Six's super-sekrit kink? (Rimmer)
When no-one’s around, he wears the red and white checked gingham dress. And army boots. Then he yiffs Mr. Bibble.
Would Eleven shag Nine? Drunk or sober? (Vicky Pollard/Beast)
I think Vicky would shag anything with a Y chromosome, drunk or sober. But Beast would have to be locked.
If Three and Seven get together, who tops? (Théodred/Jessie)
Jessie. No contest.
"One (Giles) and Nine (Beast) are in a happy relationship until Nine (Beast) suddenly runs off with Four (Qui-Gon). One,(Giles) broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven (Vicky Pollard) and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve (Blackadder), then follows the wise advice of Five (Data) and finds true love with Three. (Théodred)"
What title would you give this fic?
“Crossing Boundaries” (for the interdimensional- and time-travel - though Beast, Giles and Vicky could probably co-exist in the same time and dimension - and Giles’ partners going from guy to girl to guy.)
Name three people on your friends list who might read it.
dracothelizard would, if only for the MSTing value.
jira_rd might, because it’s got lots of lovely slashy boys men in their mid-forties.
meg_the_ebmod and
tweedisgood might, for Giles.
Name one person who should write it.
I quite want to write it now, actually.
How would you feel if Seven/Eight was canon? (Jessie/Bloo)
Boggled. Also, mildly outraged. Bloo’s an imaginary blue blob, for fuck’s sake. With a mental age of EIGHT.
ETA: More questions, yoinked from
Who would make a better college professor, 6 or 11? What subjects would they teach? (Rimmer, Vicky)
Tough one - Rimmer would definitely be more organised, but he’s not the academic type. If he doesn’t do well with book-learning, I doubt he’d be any good at teaching. On the other hand, Vicky could just talk about her life and they could call it Social Studies.
Do you think 4 is hot? How hot? (Qui-Gon Jinn)
See #2 above.
12 sends 8 on a mission. What is it, and does it succeed? (Blackadder, Bloo)
The mission would be “Annoy the shit out of Melchett” as some kind of diversion. It would totally succeed. Bloo is very, very annoying.
What is or would be 9's favorite book? (Beast)
Hmm. Any of the classics, I think.
Would it make more sense for 2 to swear fealty to 6, or the other way around? (Herriman, Rimmer)
It would make more sense for Rimmer to swear fealty to Herriman, simply because Herriman commands authority.
For some reason, 5 (Data) is looking for a roommate. Should s/he share a studio apartment with 9 (Beast) or with 10 (Naga)?
See the related ‘shippy question - similar remarks apply. Naga wouldn’t be able to put up with Data’s questions (including ‘Why do you wear such scanty clothing? Do you wish to attract a mate? Is your body temperature elevated?”), whereas Beast is more patient, would understand Data’s quest to be human, and know what it’s like to be different.
2, 7 and 12 have dinner together. Where do they go, and what do they discuss? (Herriman, Jessie, Blackadder)
This is a tough one, as they’re all very disparate characters. They’d probably go to a fancy (but moderately priced - Mr. Herriman would insist on it) restaurant where children aren’t allowed after eight o’clock. Discussion would quickly morph into Jessie and Blackadder plotting under the table about beating the shit out of Herriman just to get him to shut up about proper dining etiquette.
3 challenges 10 to a duel. What happens? (Théodred, Naga)
Naga warns Théodred that he has dared to challenge the greatest sorceress the world has ever known, Naga the Serpent. Théodred draws his sword and launch into a big spiel about the Men of Rohan and honour must be satisfied and I am heir to the House of Eorl, etc. They circle each other warily for a while, then Théodred charges in, sword up. Naga dodges and deflects his blows easily, then goes on the offensive by casting Freeze Bullet and Freeze Arrow, before finishing him with Explosion Away.
If 1 stole 8's most precious possession, how would he get it back? (Giles, Bloo)
Giles wouldn’t steal anything of Bloo’s, but he’d probably ‘confiscate’ something - like a paddle ball or squeaky elephant - after several hours of Bloo driving him mad with it. Bloo would devise ever crazier schemes to get it back, involving ropes, pulleys, water balloons, crossbows and plungers, only for Giles to eventually notice him stuck to the ceiling with bubblegum, and say, “Oh for heaven’s sake! If you wanted it back so much, you should’ve asked.”
Suggest a title for a story in which 7 and 12 both attain what they most desire. (Jessie, Blackadder)
Fame, Fortune…and Pokémon.
What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted 4 and 1 to work together? (Qui-Gon, Giles)
Either Qui-Gon would be a ghost, or there would be some mad interdimensional tear that allowed the Sith to enter the Buffyverse and wreak havoc, and it would be up to Qui-Gon and Giles to stop them.
If 7 visited you for the weekend, how would you get along? (Jessie)
Not well. She’s too much of a bitch even for me.
If you could command 3 to perform any one task or service for you, what would it be? (Théodred)
Teach me to ride a horse, Rohan-style.
Does anyone on your friends list write or draw 11? (Vicky)
See above.
If 2 (Herriman) had to choose sides between 4 (Qui-Gon Jinn) and 5 (Data), which would it be?
It would depend on who had a more convincing argument/viewpoint.
What might 10 shout while charging into battle? (Naga)
Either her name - “Naga the Serpent!” - or her patented high-pitched laugh.
If you chose a song to represent 8, which song would you choose? (Bloo)
See question about the songfic, above.
1, 6, and 12 are having dim sum at a Chinese restaurant. There is only one scallion pancake left, and they all reach for it at the same time. Who gets to eat it? (Giles, Rimmer, Blackadder)
Blackadder. He’d hunt them off at the point of a sword.
What might be a good pick-up line for 2 to use on 10? (Herriman, Naga)
See above.
What would 5 most likely be arrested for? (Data)
Asking too many questions about an evil government plot.
What is 6's secret? (Rimmer)
See above. Gingham dress. Army boots. Mr. Bibble.
If 11 and 9 were racing to a destination, who would get there first? (Vicky, Beast)
Definitely Beast, with his superior mutant speed and agility, and lack of a pathological urge to go a-robbing.
3 goes on a blind date with 8 and then another blind date with 11. Where would they go and which date would go best? (Théodred/Bloo, Théodred/Vicky)
Oh, Christ…
Bloo…oh the squick…would probably convince Théodred to go to an amusement park of some kind, whereas Vicky’d just want to hang around in the playground drinking cans before going behind the waterslides to make babies. On balance, the ‘date’ with Bloo would be marginally more fun (because of the amusement park), but they’d both be pretty horrible.
1 (Giles) and 9 (Beast) reluctantly team up to save the world from the threat posed by 4's (Qui-Gon’s) sinister secret organization. 11 (Vicky) volunteers to help them, but it is later discovered that 11 (Vicky) is actually a spy for 4 (Qui-Gon). Meanwhile, 4 (Qui-Gon) has kidnapped 12 (Blackadder) in an attempt to force their surrender. Following the wise advice of 5 (Data), they seek out 3 (Théodred), who gives them what they need to complete their quest. What title would you give this fic?
Virus - Attack of the O.O.C.