Here's a prime piece of fandom batshittery

Mar 20, 2006 22:02

Ye’ve all seen this, ye have?

Go on, click the link; have a read. I’ll wait.


How the fuck could anyone think that going up to a complete stranger and giving hir a box of porn was appropriate? No, seriously - enquiring minds want to know. I really would like to understand the rationale behind this, preferably one that’s a little deeper than “Oh well he said he liked Playboys and implied he masturbated to them in some interview once”.

Imagine, people. Your idol/love object from afar is taking part in a celebrity sports event for charity, which you’re attending as a fan. (So for me, that’s Liam Neeson playing hurling with a bunch of other Irish actors against a team of retired GAA All-Stars, with all the money going to UNICEF.) And at the end, you go up to hir, and give hir, along with a cheque and a sports jersey, a box of porn. Can you see yourselves, giving hir the box of porn? The expression on hir face as s/he peeks inside the BOX of PORN? Are you dying of embarrassment, realising that this is the last moment you’ll ever be within ten miles of your idol because you’ve just made the stalker list?


I don’t know. The people who did this are defending the whole thing as just a joke, and besides it’s totally justifiable because the guy talked about Playboys once, and anyway who are WE to make up Rules for Fans to Obey at Celebrity Appearances (as if shit like this didn’t underline the motherfucking need for rules, since some people just have no idea where the boundaries are)? So maybe it’s just me. I’m the kind of person who, if lucky enough to find herself in the same room as Liam Neeson or Anthony Head, or any famous person I admire (though not necessarily crush on) like Alan Rickman, all or part of Def Leppard, Bernard Hill, Bette Midler, etc., would be too afraid to approach them in case I was bothering them. And I don’t say that to be all holier than thou, and Behold for I am A Considerate Fan. It’s totally selfish - possibly the worst experience for a fan would be catching your idol in a bad mood because you’re annoying hir with your presence and request for an autograph. Even if I was at a con, and was waiting in line to have a photo or a T-shirt or an empty cigarette packet signed, I don’t think I’d be able to say anything beyond “Hi-my-name-is-Wulf-and-I’m-a-huge-fan-I-really-like-your-work”. (And then berate myself afterwards because everything beyond Himynameis is redundant. DUH you’re a big fan and you like their work; you wouldn’t be there otherwise.) Giving someone a Box of Porn?

So, people, any bets as to why these girls thought this stunt was a good idea? Drugs? Head trauma? Scary stalkerish tendencies? Being raised in a society where giving porn to those you admire is perfectly natural? Don’t be shy, post here!

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