
Mar 04, 2006 02:01

Am staying put for the weekend, Nelly's birthday notwithstanding (she's not going to be home anyway, coursework is kicking her ass). Good thing, too - I drove to the shops at half-eight and already there was frost starting to form on my windscreen. Also, in the shop carpark there were two cars with snow on them.

This last week has been freezing cold. I've already got a quilt and a faux fur throw on my bed, and lately I've been wrapping myself up in a smaller blanket underneath the rest of my bedclothes. Every morning I wake up with a sore throat, which is annoying, but at least it goes away after a little while. The skin above my upper lip and on the backs of my fingers is dry and flakey, and (in places) cracked and bleeding. Must get some Sudocream tomorrow.

On the plus side, at least we haven't had any rain.


Made three more new icons, which you'll encounter at some stage. GIMP 2 is to amateur image modders as a special effects pedal is to amateur guitar players - it makes you seem a lot more skilled than you are. ;-)

The new icons are Mystical (replacing Devil Wolf), Smile! (replacing Tie-Dye Wolf) and Thunder Wolf (replacing Stalking Wolf), and can be viewed here.



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