
Mar 05, 2006 23:28

Weather here is a bit of a mixed bag at the moment. The nights are freezing, but the days are sunny and warm - 10-12 oC, with an occasional shower of hail. More rain’s forecast for this week, which means the water might go again. Joy.


No news from home, except that Angel - the girl kitten - is in heat. Good thing she’s still an inside cat. (Okay, there’s two male cats in the house, but Ash has had the snip, and Tiger’s too young to father kittens.) Spaying time.

I would complain that I’ve been saying since Christmas that Angel would have to be done before the end of February, but February overall was a really shitty month for us. Compared to everything else that was going on, surgery on a healthy cat that didn’t have to be done right then was pretty low on our list of priorities.


Anyone else think that Heywood’s taking an awful chance linking to his latest unfunny hysterical and sidesplitting snarks in his sig? It’s just asking to be fangirled, and we all know how much he’d hate that.

EDIT: Lost it in the slash thread.

EDIT 2: "From now on I'll be posting a lot of childish COOL pictures that are totally cliché fresh and original! Now watch as I make a Maddox reference to prove my AWESOME INTERNET STREETCRED!”

God, what a fucktool.


Instead of working on my WiPs (bad Wulf! Bad! *flogs self*), my demented brain keeps coming up with little one-shots to write. The latest is a short piece where four young Watchers talk about how their lives have changed since the Council blew up (three of them lost family members in the explosion) and all the Potentials were activated. It follows on somewhat from Game Face - it’s set at the same time and in the same “universe”. I’ve got each of the OCs worked out, personality and motivation-wise, and I know what they’re going to say. The thing is, I’m not sure where I would post such a thing when it’s done. It might get buried at ff.net (of course, that’s if people are still writing as much Buffy-fic two and a half years after the end of the series), and the only other places I post Buffy-fic to are Giles-related mailing lists and comms. Three of the OCs do talk about or reference Giles (one makes a reference to Wesley’s dad, and I’m toying with making one of them Quentin Travers’ granddaughter), but would that be enough for a Giles-fic site?


Lazed around the house for most of the weekend. Watched Rob Roy on Friday night. Aaaahhh, Liam Neeson in a kilt.


gaff, meow-meows, fanfic

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