(no subject)

Mar 02, 2006 17:30

Looks like I’ve managed to needle Heywood again. My God, the hanyou’s easy.

Okay, perhaps I was a little bitchy. But seriously, did Heywood honestly think Freezer misread his question, or didn’t read the article properly? Or did he just not bother to read the quote Freezer provided correctly?

And I’ve got to love the defensive response, especially on a board where we regularly mock people’s reading skills:

“It's not like I would be the first person to ever understand a situation and actions differently than another does, much less ask for clarification on a point.”

Is it just me, or does that sound a bit like “Stop picking on me! Other people do it too! Leamme alooone!”
Ooh, and then we have this:

“I don't like your insinuation.”

What, the insinuation that he didn’t read the quote properly? Man, if he can’t take that, what’s he doing on GAFF?

“Actually, I think I'll consider going back to my former policy of ignoring you.”

Aaand there he goes again, confusing me with someone who gives a damn.


That’s officially my favourite part of the post. >:-D Woe is me! I could’ve won the Heywood Hanyou Seal of Approval, but now it Shall Never Be, for I dared to snark at His Most Majestical Eminence. (Next time I tick him off, I expect him to tell me that I’ve just made a Very Powerful Enemy.)

I LOVE Heywood. He’s the grandfather of all GAFFers who take themselves too seriously.



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