re: the fungus

Aug 06, 2010 11:16

We're moving.

Details like where and how quickly are still in the works, but the moving has been decided upon.

For now we're camped out at some (wonderful, genrous, eminently gracious) friends' house just north of DC. I don't know when (or if) we'll try to resume living in the apartment. We'll probably run back there sunday or monday to grab some more clothes and things, maybe start the packing.

Based on conversations with the landlady, the apartment is going to be a construction site for a bit. They've torn out the closet ceiling, and maybe the bathroom as well (?) to determine the extent of the mold and water damage. (I wish I had moved more things into the bedroom, but such is life.) The plumber thinks it's a broken water heater on the third floor that's causing the problem. This is the same plumber who previously diagnosed it as a broken pipe and 'fixed' it. So not exactly pegging our hopes on that.

Our lease, as it happens, is up at the end of the month. Well, it's actually expired by a year, but there's an automatic renewal clause in there. I don't think they'll be sticklers about it, but even if they were, August 31st is the end date for year two. And while there's a clause that says we're supposed to give 30 days notice if we don't intend to renew, I am pretty sure mushrooms growing from the carpet and a ripped out ceiling will grant us a few days leiniency on that front.

And... that's where things are. Hopefully the transition will be swift and painless. Or at least swift.

amateur grownup, i need to move, asterlife, moving, baltimore

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