Japanese in the Streets!

Apr 25, 2024 14:17

Well anti-W.H.O. protests are going on - in Japan!

Remember when I noted that, opposite to scientists in the U.S.A., Japanese scientists rush out to do studies which might explain any discrepancies their scientists might discover in microbiology?

Scientists here, even if they see discrepancies produced following administration of the turbo-cancer-causing clot-shots, don't even think to do studies, to follow up, to look into the real evidence. The statistical evidence in staring them in the face, that this is genocide, and they just won't see it. They are too busy following orders from narcissistic, sadistic liars.

Whereas, in countries like Japan, if any scientists notice any discrepancies in the stats - THEY RUSH IN TO DO STUDIES - SO THEY CAN DISCOVER WHAT IS GOING ON! Because, you know, "Let's do SCIENCE!" Remember science? Remember going around saying, "Follow the bullshit science!"? No, I don't mean automatically parroting the phrase, 'We see NO EVIDENCE that anything is wrong" - while simultaneously ignoring any and all evidence. What are you getting paid for? To huddle in support of cheap and unhygienic packages from China containing the "vaccines" deliberately designed to kill people?

Anyone who dares to visit the Darian Gap immediately see what a huge CRIME has been going on here. Biden and his gang have been stalling for time, overseeing this traitorous CRIME, and they just follow along. Following orders.

What is this? What place, in history, ever acted like this before? Answer: NAZI Germany. Because that is what this is - here and now. It's happening all over again, and people refuse to see it. It is there, happening, precisely because people refuse to see it!

Well, it seems the same curious, take-initiative attitude exists there regarding protesting, too. Let's see... large protests in

- Japan
- France
- Italy
- Germany
- UK
- Brazil
- Etc...

But nothing, here in the USA? Don't you Americans ever question whether your ignorance might just be something WEIRD AND ABNORMAL?

Instead, people here act as if YOU are weird and abnormal, when you call attention to the truth. It's bizarre. And, again, the only explanation I can see is that this might be a social cognitive failure due to the injurious, lethal bioweapon injections.

So - add this to the growing body of, "turning a blind eye," posts.

countries - japan

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