Feb 05, 2024 08:00

It just bothers me to no end how very few people are waking up and looking reality straight in the eye. How people keep denying there could be such a thing as a conspiracy, simply because they have been successfully trained to believe that outstanding examples like Alex Jones are actually just evil shysters who have made hundreds of millions of dollars peddling lies - or that Trumpsters are MAGA terrorists - or that Big Pharma commercials are comfy cozy representations of what is ral and healthy foe us.

So, these deniers are still stuck, gossipping that Biden is Lying to us! When they should be looking at those lies as bullets which will soon being flying at them. They have Congressional hearings where they waste time, "Will you SAY that Biden is responsible for the crisis at the border?" Trying to illustrate the lies, here and there. When all the lies about fixing the border have been nothing but OBVIOUS stallings for time - so that more and more illegals can come over the border. But, since there can be no conspiracies, let's just argue away about words - not the real terrorist threat which is looming higher every day!

Accept the fact that it has ALL been a procession of lies, and NOW lets close the damned border!

But, you know what? It isn't just captured Dems who want to play for time - it is also many of the GOPpers - mostly those referred to as RINOs - (but also many who have been bought by Schwaub and Soros, as has occurred in Canada and other countries). Why? Because they smell money - and more power/prestige. They see the border crisis as a no-lose issue for them in the 2024 election.

Since they only smell the cheese in the trap, they don't see the cheese, and so they refuse to believe that any kind of conspiracy could exist which could possibly SHUT DOWN THE ELECTION! They fail to comprehend just how determined this conspiracy is, in achieving its aims - getting the job done. They just see Dems. They just see the same old rigged game. This is how hubris destroys an empire. There it is: "How can narcissists be so stupid?!"

What were those bundles of vain strivings, tied - those bundles of arrows or something which the Lictors would hold? Were they carrots? Were they sticks?...

The word fascism comes from the Latin fasces, which denotes a bundle of wooden rods that typically included a protruding axe blade. In ancient Rome, lictors (attendants to magistrates) would hold the fasces as a symbol of the penal power of their magistrate. The first European fascist, Benito Mussolini, adopted this symbol both to recall the greatness of the Roman Empire and to reinforce his authority as the eventual dictator of Italy. Fascist regimes like his required their citizens to be as unified as the tightly bound fasces.,,

Mussolini named the fasci di combattimento-paramilitary groups which were largely under his control and from which his movement derived its own name, fascismo-after the Latin word fasces, which was the bundle of wooden sticks topped with an axe-head that ancient Roman authority figures’ attendants would carry to distinguish their rank.

Do you know that troops down in South America and the Darian Gap are marching in formation, trained by China and CIA? Then they get all out of formation, and sent up to the USA border in managed caravans? All of this is paid for by your tax money, and has been approved by your president, Mister Rigged? After these jumbled up troops pass through "the border" with the gift cards meant to let them buy firearms here - they are also provided phones and more money and meals and buses and drivers licences and gun permits - AND STASHES OF GUNS, HIDDEN AWAY? These stashes, all over the country, were first begun by your other BlackRock-chosen president, Barak Obama, sponsored by the Israeli Mossad.

"Every crisis is also an opportunity" - said by Confucius.

"Every crisis is also an opportunity" - stolen by Rahm Emmanuel, Mossad...

"Have a carrot..." - Jeffrey Epstein, Mossad...

Getting ready to pounce...

In addition to all the combatants already brought in - to start a very uncivil war - there are underground tunnels from Mexico, going to most regions of the country, ready to ship in thousands more - guns and guerillas. With Chinese spies and police. Following their orders. And politicians are bickering about words?

Hut no one is doing anything substantial, effective, brave. Biden moves to let these people vote, to let them join the police, to let them buy guns - and nothing is done to stop any of this! Because people look the other way, or willfully go along, following orders given by bald-faced liars. What are people thinking? Where is the outrage?!

Abiding by illegitimate authority just for the sake of "authority." And, so, abiding by MIGHT, under the lazy assumption that MIGHT MAKES RIGHT. They wrongly define actual moral and real weakness as might, when all it is is carrots and sticks. Fascism. Forcing their ends before our means.

"Where is everyone?!" I heard someone exclaim, over people's lack of real responsibility. Just allowing devastating events to unfold. This happened during the lockdowns, when millions of people accepted the lethal bioweapon clot-shots - like lab rats. They literally WERE lab rats, because studies on the mRNA shots had not even done yet, except the truncated one proving that they were lethal.

People in government bureaucracies just allow the destructive corruption to continue and prevail.

Some people still plan to vote for - and believe - Biden - even though there was endless evidence of his endless lies, prior to 2020.

Scientists here, even if they see discrepancies produced following administration of the turbo-cancer-causing clot-shots, don't even think to do studies, to follow up, to look into the real evidence. The statistical evidence in staring them in the face, that this is genocide, and they just won't see it. They are too busy following orders from narcissistic, sadistic liars.

Whereas, in countries like Japan, if any scientists notice any discrepancies in the stats - THEY RUSH IN TO DO STUDIES - SO THEY CAN DISCOVER WHAT IS GOING ON! Because, you know, "Let's do SCIENCE!" Remember science? Remember going around saying, "Follow the bullshit science!"? No, I don't mean automatically parroting the phrase, 'We see NO EVIDENCE that anything is wrong" - while simultaneously ignoring any and all evidence. What are you getting paid for? To huddle in support of cheap and unhygienic packages from China containing the "vaccines" deliberately designed to kill people?

Anyone who dares to visit the Darian Gap immediately see what a huge CRIME has been going on here. Biden and his gang have been stalling for time, overseeing this traitorious CRIME, and they just follow along. Following orders.

What is this? What place, in history, ever acted like this before? Answer: NAZI Germany. Because that is what this is - here and now. It's happening all over again, and people refuse to see it. It is there, happening, precisely because people refuse to see it!

How did Germany degenerate into NAZI Germany, killing off Jews and Poles and Commies and Gays and other assorted white people, by the millions? I should know, because I focused the Interwar European history in college...

Well, the people were first demoralised. Especially in Berlin. They were told to accept the new amorality in art and sexual expression. Gayness was a big, confusing thing back then. They were confused by conflicting ideologies of communism, fascism and capitalism - all overseen by more central elites and banks - as was Hitler himself.. They were deliberately plagued by insane inflation and debt, just as is looming today.

Then along comes Hitler - who must be accepted, since he was "democratically" elected - who fakes them out with a false flag fire at the government building, the Reichstag, which I believe he blamed on Commies or Socialists. Then Hitler got in front of any movement for remoralisation, offering the cult of the Ubermann. And he directed people to blame all economic problems on the Jews, and on the Western banks with whom they were associated.

And in came those banks, and Ford, and IBM, and so on, to support Hitler and his war-mongering. They wanted war because they wanted more profit. They had run out of productive steam, and even corruption, so, "When all else fails, they take you to war..."

At the same time, scientific corruption was growing like a cancer. Science had substituted by a monster - but people were still expected to put their trust in it. And this monster was associated with a crazy trend in euthanasia, brought over from America, like many other corruptions.

Hitler's narcissistic New World Order described Germany as being victimised by external and internal enemies, and this was projected into the frustrations of the populace - in a mass psychosis of demoralised victims of that narcissism, along with the functional cooperation of all the flying monkeys and useless idiots, backed by a massive, lying propaganda machine. Sound very much like today? People had been taken away from themselves, losing sight of what real responsibility actually was. Instead, people accepted sadistic mean-world mentalities, and Schadenfreude.

Meanwhile, Alex Jones is crying out, "Why would you want to be a part of a death cult like this?!"

But every 80 years or so, weak societies do - they turn to Thanatos, and to Siva the destroyer, and to Satan, the deceiver. They abandon their will, because they haven;t sufficiently learnt much better - they learnt instead to trust blindly in the shiny, sensational things - not in the Truth.


But - Soylent green means PEOPLE! Wake up! It is now 2024. Do you know where your balls are?

So, the central question is this, "Why did so many people just blindly follow orders?" - Because that is precisely what is again happening, today, during the rise of the new fascism.

Fear of losing their jobs? Well, the job market isn't that bad, at the moment. But debt is very high, as are prices. As was the case in Interwar Germany. But, I think the problem was more significantly: Oblique fear. Fear of giving up what identity and authority and acceptance that individuals may have had, to possibly be substituted by something now very dark and unknown and dangerous. How this fear got into people, today? The deliberate COVID scare helped. As did all the crap and propaganda in TV and movies. Video games? I think mostly: A mentality of Machiavellianism. It seems to have taken a grip of the majority of common people in this country - as it may have in Germany

(You can look up the Milgrim psychological experiments, but those experiments have been found not have been 100% valid).

Now, Alex Jones: "Nietzsche said, 'Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger... But they aren't torturing you to make you stronger! They are torturing you TO MAKE YOU WEAK - so you can follow them, and they can KILL you!"

It's true - I learnt that what doesn't kill you can make you chronically ill - or make you weak. And there are so many people on disgusting little power trips, feasting by trying to torture their neighbours, trying to induce trauma. We all know about that crap, by now. A MENTALITY OF MACHIAVELLIAN, at all costs.

And, so, they neighbours have been turned into objects and, the only question left seems to be, will it be you picking at their teeth one day, or they at yours, mining for specks of gold, because all the wealth has turned to ash?

That seems to be the deep, dark fear lurking around the corner. On some level, people know this is happening, and so everyone is trying to hide - behind false gods and demons.

In a few sad words: It's a spiritual and moral laziness which is realising our tragic downfall.

Choosing to lose, is what it is. An entire society of trained masochists, I guess.


Throw another stick on the fire!


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