Feb 04, 2024 17:26

OK, so I have collections of links, some of which might have been around since 2017. (But most are more recent). And, I never wanted to dump them, without using them to embellish actual, deep-thought theme posts one day. But everything in my life, in politics, and in science is moving so fast. I will do a compromised, dumbed-down combo of the two: theme post + link dump.

[I am going to put off, thematically at least, the ideas of Penrose-Hameroff, for now, but, 1 - you can research them on your own and, 2 - I will touch on them here and there. One idea/s of their which I find amazingly coincidental is the idea that 1- gravity is deeply involved in wave function collapse and, 2- this process is directly related to conscious - both MY OWN IDEAS AS WELL!!

Also, they dash the Other-Worlds theory with an idea that in aforementioned micro-dialectic classical retrocausality occurs which basically rights everything again, thus disnecessitating other worlds. I have said that, while often using other-worlds as a reference of convenience, I believe that potentiality of potentiation can be just as valid, AND, if quantum entanglement occurs at a distance, which it does, then the resulting hyper-realm of quantum reality is beyond time, and therefore it is possible that discrete retrocausality can manifest from this, half-real "eternity," when it does breech into the classical or medicosmic realm.

They both believe that gravity has been greatly under appreciated, and I have said we must use gravity as THE starting point - so - in other words, I also make a case for local quantum gravity. However, we differ on some things, as well. I am not so reductionist and localised as they are. I believe memory and consciousness do exist beyond the brain, probably in both quantum and classical senses].

So, I am going to go ahead with this post, using ideas based on conventional ideas in quantum mechanics, relativity, etc., upon which my own ideas are mainly based.

This post mainly asks, does memory and consciousness exist beyond the physical location of the brain. My answer is yes, they do. After a little back ground on consciousness, we'll start with the brain.

What is consciousness? Well, we don't know, because we begin with consciousness. We sit in our chairs at tables with tools and computers, and we observe and measure things - but we seldom realise that these things around us - the local moment and space around us - all a kind of assumed inertial frame of reference - is all an a priori of consciousness, and so, of our measurement, study or thought. We measure because we assume these things - life and consciousness - without batting an eye. We say we want to find out what consciousness is, and yet we are almost completely unaware of our own essential, consciousness-related heart-beats.

And, so, just as with gravity, we cannot see consciousness - the forest for the trees. But, we assume that consciousness is still falling somewhere in some undiscovered woods, and that we just haven't been there, yet, to see or hear it fall. We assume that it does, though. So - our approach to studying conscious has a little bit of superstition or prejudice attached to it. A bias. Which, after all, is not abnormal in any act of observation.

So, we don't really know what this word, "consciousness," means, although we assume that we do. We know we are experiencing something special - an awareness or attention ability - but we can;t quantify it in any way. So, lots of people go around talking about, "expanding consciousness," and this is not a very scientific thing to say. Even if you could quantify or measure "the size of" consciousness, it is doubtful that it actually expands. Into what? From what? Compared to what? Is it some kind of mini Big Bang?

But, we can hypothesise.

Consciousness is a meditation upon the local environment. It also may include memory and abstraction, and even planning or imagination. In other words, it appears to be part of some process of local potentiation. Just as a pigeon or a child pays attention to intermittent stimuli, and gives a best guess as to what may come next, consciousness does the same thing but more dynamically - it actually involves itself in the creation of results. Rather, it is part of the process of the manifestation of a local here and now, possibly by reference to exogenous events or other locations in space. To refer to extemporal, or non-local factors, at least, consciousness must be a quantum process.

Consciousness is the experience, and construction, of organically forward-moving time.

As I have exemplified before: Everything you observe is already in the past. As you somehow collapse past events into your ongoing Now, you also collapse what has already past into some future - and you do this through a synthesis which must occur outside of time - an extemporal or non-local reference. So, your observation must be superluminal, i.e., quantum in essence - when you get to the very core of it.

We exist in three dimensions, into which we each set our own local place and time. As we have said, many things that go on this dimension are pretty basic in their laws and logics. (Although not as basic as those in two-dimensions, or in the seemingly impossible one dimension). Imagine the dimensions as a kind of Fibonacci fan opening up, into ever more complex layers, and possibly chaotic, layers. The further out in the "petals", the more complex the math, the more complex the logics, the more uncertain the realities, and the more indeterminate the possibilities. This is the same thing that happens as we try simply to measure the very edge or centre of our own universe.

[You know, I have an idea that if we were to consider the basic Forces as the primary dimensions, we could do away with so much of the complicated math of today's physics... I mean - basing your starting point on a "second dimension" - measured by a ruler - and then on a "third dimension" - based on having two eyes to see things moving around in - and then overlaying these things with a blanket called time - only to find that nothing really fits without using a whole slew of math-grease - just seems excessive, to me. And each dimension is dependant on the next].

But, stick with me...

Well, this opening up of a core of basic logics - (third dimension) - into more complex, discrete and yet somewhat unreal (superpositioned) dimensions, or "worlds", is very much similar to how the human brain is constructed. You have the basic, fight/flight rules of the reptilian and limbic brains, and these open up to the more discretionary, higher cortex of the brain, with its finer labyrinth of connexions and associations, some of which may sponsor illusions here and there. But mostly serve to fine-tune and to help enlighten. So-called, "expanding consciousness."

So, with these parallel models given as allegories, then we can move on to the next fact, which is that what we think of as one thing - consciousness - is really a collection of different levels, or manifestations, like the panoply, or Pantheon, of Hindu deities and demigods - or even like the chakra levels themselves...

We know that humans have consciousness which can be attentional, reflective, constructive, analytic/computational, imaginative, and predictive. We claim that we are self-aware, (although I find this declaration to be in need of some testing). These forms of consciousness are very easy to assert as being real, valid, true consciousness, even if we do so subjectively or naturalistically. Therefore, as grand Catholics once did regarding the souls of heathens, some say that animals cannot really be conscious, especially since they are so NOT self-aware, (i.e., vain, with too much time on their hands). Animals are too consumed by instinct and rote learning to come anywhere being conscious, these tards insist.

But, everyone in the know, and all those reading this journal, knows full well that animals are conscious. They just don't talk about it as much as we do.

And, many of you believe, as do I, that plants and even cells are also conscious. We may call it a somewhat different "level" of consciousness as our own, but still, it is a consciousness.

How about individual biological cells?

How about viruses?

How about virus fragments - or structures composed from graphene oxide nano-particles? Do they have some "level" of consciousness?

How about rocks and chairs and laptops?

I'd venture to say that even the last class have a "level" of consciousness, which resides mainly in their individual atoms and quantum dynamics. But is it the same thing we use to solve a math equation, or care for a loved one?

I'd say, yes, it is - it just hasn't been directed towards such tasks.

Is an atom self-aware? Yes, because that's basically the whole point of what consciousness is, in essence - observationally constructing one's local space and time.

Isn't consciousness one of the primary indicators of LIFE, though?

No. Some of the arbitrary "levels" we call consciousness are projected or assumed unto living beings, especially ones who look like us, prior to our objectifying them into mass graves), but that does not mean that stars and planets cannot hold mass and/or organic consciousness. In fact, the definition of what is alove could possibly be extended to stars and planets, for reasons we cannot get into, here. But, considering them alive would muck things up a bit, wuldn't it.

So, we've taken it this far... Since consciousness is forever refering to the extemporal and non-local - i.e., the quantum realm which is outside of time and space causality - we might as well say that everything in the universe is entangled in one big web of consciousness. "Universal consciousness." Which I might rather call, "panoramic consciousness," of such.

But, you see, even we analytical beings also experience these different, "levels," of consciousness - coma consciousness, taste consciousness, Eureka moment consciousness. Ghost consciousness. Dream consciousness. Pain consciousness. Deja vous consciousness. Psychic consciousness... And, similarly, we are forever referring all these related dynamics to other dynamics with which we are entangled in the rest of the universe, meaning that conscious does not solely reside in our computational machine, the brain - but extend infinitely and eternally beyond the brain, further and further into potentiality, unreality, or, "other worlds."

So, how do we square this with our physical reality? How can consciousness (and memory) extend, physically, beyond the brain?

Well, first of all, it doesn't have to. It doesn't have to extend physically - it can extend quantum dynamically. But, how so, even that way? Well, it turns out, there may be a number of ways this happens.

It may simply be that space (time) itself is endowed with a dynamical property where situation, placement or shape itself simply acts as some kind of reality/information transceiver - just like a radio antenna. Similarly shaped antennae share similar frequencies / information. And may do so even via actual radio frequency ranges.

Even somewhat materialistic Penrose and Hameroff allow for the possibility that some information in the body may be conveyed for a short distance outside of normal neuronal transmissions. These may be radio waves, (and perhaps extremely high waves, into wifi). In fact, it is pretty much established that radio or EM wave patterns in the brain, en masse, can convey important information to (more localised) neurons. (Alpha, beta, theta, etc., waves, all play a role - like music - in changing overall stress levels0.

Well, if this can happen around every neuron, if not every cell, then why cannot a kind of "hologram" arise of the human body from this, and itself act as a communicating antenna to more distant holograms? This hologram hypothesis could also apply to many of the other micro process possibilities below...

Penrose and Hameroff believe that cell microtubules are a strong possibility for quantum management and processing, ergo consciousness, (since they, like cubits in quantum computers, might be able to hold quanta long enough for computations to be made). So, why can't microtubules act in holographic, antenna-like concert, as well?

Same deal with:

- The pineal gland.

- Aromatic molecules.

- DNA.

- Hexagonal water molecules coating the circulatory system.

- Mitochondria and chloroplasts.

Other structures need not be able to shelter quantum computations in order to act in holographic concert as antennae, either on the quantum or RF levels...

- Magnetites.

- Oh jeeze I forgot that other thing birds use...

- The neuronal network itself.

- Vision / parietal circuitry.

- The Hippocampus.

- Pyramidal cells.

- Glial cells.

- Kirlian / auras / other electrical...

But these are all structures built after the core reality of universal entanglement/s.

(Structure of DMT).

Structure of tryptophan.

Just as the brain down-regulates stimuli discretely processed in the higher brain, down to the limbic brain and so down, higher super-static dimensions are collapsed down to the more elemental logics of the more concrete third dimension. Both of these dynamics are processings involving consciousness. Both involve observation, the experience and construction of local time, partly via reference to the extemporal and non-local.

That's about all for now. I'll add some links, videos later. You might want to check out these -

A Multidimensional Theory of Mind

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And see tags...

brain * and see psychology, s- 'consciousness / quantum brain'(2024 , consciousness - nature of, brain - and mind - attention

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