10 Areas of Stress on OUR FAILING SOCIETY:

Apr 04, 2024 11:21

10 Areas of Stress on OUR FAILING SOCIETY:

1 - Mass Formation Psychosis - From free-floating anxiety to targetting some mutual enemy, to becoming targetted, oneself. See Hannah Arendt, Jordan Peterson, my own posts under "Sociology -". How to stop: Stop pouring billions into fuck-uppery. More rational economics. Remoralise society via new religion, awakening.

2 - Mass Dysfunction and aggressiveness caused by the bioweapon clot-shots. A virtual social lobotomy, and cause of further stressors in society. How to stop? Stop the clot shots, expose the conspiracy, hang the bastards, (legally), rewrite medical ethics and laws. Deprive U.N./WHO of funding. Pile on lawsuits against involved individuals and companies. Correct politics via Constitutional Convention.

3 - WiFI and other EMF. Pollution and pesticides. Other biological stressors. Turn these things off. Replace them w/ heather systems.

4- External socially contagious anxiety, aggressiveness. Better education system, socialising, support systems. Stop using SSRIs. Stop allowing billionaire psychopaths from being the "leaders."

5 - Psychopathic, Machiavellian ethics. How to stop. Similar to above, identify mass social narcissism, and address this in society and economics - not via social credit scores. Reduce control-based mentalities.

6 - Narcissism derived directly from ease and forgetting - ego-boosting - raising false expectations/demands/entitlement - allowed by new technologies. Parents and schools must reemphasize books, etc. Control young adult use of new tech. Allow states or countries to monitor - but get government out!

7 - Economic stressors - like housing, homelessness, inflation, fiat spending, etc. Need reworking of the system. Need ways out of debt-based economy.

8 - Environmental: Noise, light, EMF, WiFi, genetic mod, G.O. - someone needs to write a book so laws can be updated here.

9 - Entropy: Infrastructure degradation. How to stop. Give every politician an oil can.

10- Diseases, crime, resource demands, welfare pressures, housing and job pressures, inappropriate values and behaviours, possible acts of terrorism and war - brought in by massive, unprecedented amount of illegally immigrants. How to stop: Rescind executive orders, stop U.N. aid.

Can you think of any others?

entropy - and stress, economics - entropy, economics - dysfunctionalism, psychology - stress

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