A big one on WiFi and GRAPHENE OXIDE !!!

Apr 01, 2024 22:23

Writing to get tired. I now know when the guy upstairs on his computer, and when he is watching TV. Because I am getting the EMF down here, which shows up on my AM radio, or on my "Available WiFi" listing.

[For informational purposes. All opinions are my own. Most statements based on facts or research, elsewhere fact-based hypotheses are presented].

People have got to get off of WiFi! I cannot stress how important this is. After contracting Mr. Spike, and even before then, I get hugely, demonstrably more ill after being exposed to higher WiFi radiation.

After all the work I did, today, on trying to cleanse myself and make myself better, I discovered that I nevertheless returned to grogginess, wooziness, imbalance and fatigue after sleeping below the guy who had his internet going. I have taken much nattokinase, walnuts and nicotine to try to keep that lipidated graphene oxide from thus expanding and ripping up my sells via an agitated immune system. But, as long as I have the seeds of death planted throughout my nerves and muscles, WiFi is going to make me sick - and die soon, if I don't turn this around! Take heed!

My right eye is already too far gone.

One thing learnt today was: Validation of the strong "repeater antenna" hypothesis! Which others already say is true. And that is this: Your modem or the celltowers put out their ambient WiFi constantly. This is already enough to make the general population chronically ill, along with the effect of RF, solar/geo and other bad background EMF. The latter has been helping to cause illness for many decades.

However, when someone near you - including you, yourself, turns on YOUR computer or phone, with ITS WiFi or mobile EMF, this radiation is AMPLIFIED LOCALLY. Think of it as a web of shared radiation. rather than this or that source, ("particle"). When someone turns on his or her device, this increases the power of that radiation locally. This is why the WiFi of the of guy upstairs (modem) hovers at #11 on the local Availability list. But, when he gets online, that same WiFi user name shoots up to #2 - right after mine - in all cases.

There is no reason not to assume that when a person full of lipidated graphene oxide, exposed to ambient WiFi, does not ALSO become a REPEATER ANTENNA. This is why clot-shot corpses in a morgue where there is WiFi continue to warm up after death! Their metallic blood clots - not live biological processes - are continuing to grow. So, if you stand next to one of these REPEATER humans, you will also receive a higher does of WiFi/EMF yourself. This will move you towards illness. This is most of the "shedding" that is going on.

(All antennae are resonators., ergo, potential repeaters).

If you have any remnants of Mr. Spike in you - whether that be the "COVID VIRUS" itself, (and possibly even immune memory of the virus), or COVID VLPs, or (lipidated) GRAPHENE OXIDE - and/or other heavy metals - even if gathered via true discrete shedding - then you will show symptoms of "COVID" or "LONG COVID" yourself, which present directly as flu-like or dementia-like symptoms, IF YOU ARE NEAR ONE OF THESE REPEATER HUMANS. And, of course, the affect will be worse if you are standing near a repeater WiFi device, or cellphone, or cell tower.

And Mr. Musk wants to aim thousands of WiFi transmitters at the entire human race. More on Musk later.

Since the effect, if not the objective, of these proven bioweapons is to increase, or retrigger past or latent illnesses inside of people, then your symptoms can also range from true symptoms of cancer, Alzheimers, cornonary illness, neuro diseases, autism, illnesses (including psychological) involving oxidative stress, blood clots, electrolite problems, polio - what have you. (INCLUDING AUTISM). In other words, in sum, YOU IMMUNE SYSTEM WILL BE SHUT DOWN. Meaning that you NK cells will become confused and exited, possibly defeated, and INFLAMMATION WILL PROCEED.

One reason these bioweapons are designed this way is so they can cover up the harm done by Big Pharma vaccines in the past, prior to 1988 (or 86?) for which those companies remain financially and legally liable. Then, they can start treating yu for you brand new turbo cancers, etc. The other reason is strategic, stealth depopulation, i.e., global genocide. I
Patents taken out by Big Pharma, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and military intelligence all contribute strong proof to this extremely strong hypothesis, i.e., fact. These "eugenicide" strategies have been in development for many decades. The overall design is so genius, as I have said, it suggests the possibility of significant intelligence assistance beyond that of AI.

Also, an almost certainly true strong hypothesis of mine is this: The lipidated graphene oxide nanoparticles, ("Mr. Spike"), also "flock" to wherever there is higher natural electrical activity in the body. The more you think, then the more there will be G.O. micoclotting flocking to those neural connexions - meaning more inflammation and clotting. The more you use your muscles, the more the inflammation and microcloting will flock there.

The more you digest carbs, the more the immune problems will flock to you stomach and digestive tract. The more your lover is activated, the more your liver will be attacked. The more you heart pumps, the more likely you will be to die suddenly from sudden myocarditis. Because these are STEALTH CLOTS. Stealth PLAQUES. They don;t even contain many natural platelets.

Notice how I have switched from using the unproven scientific term, "Spike Protein", to using the allegorical ("parascientific") term, "Mr. Spike"? This is because it is misleading to talk about a spike protein, as it is to talk about the COVID or mRNA "virus" upon which it is supposedly located. The actual problem is graphene oxide, protected by a layer of lipid nanoparticles (or hrdrogels), which allow it to stealthily attach to and attack your cells, (often with the assistance of GP120).*

These nanoparticles slip through the BBB, as they do through most water and air filtration systems, or masks. When exposed to any kind of EMF, especially WiFi, THEY WILL GROW INTO CLOTS OR PLAQUES, causing inflammations and blockages. This deprives cells of oxygen, nutrients and glucose.

These nanoparticles can easilly grow by manipulating carbon and other (heavy) metals in your blood and elsewhere, and by manipulating microplastics and lipids already in your system.

There is good news, but only if you follow it.

When NOT exposed to such EMF, these lethal nanoparticles will stop growing and, in some small cases, shrink a little. (However, they will remain permanently, due to the natural EMF going on between your neurons, etc. And will still grow in such places somewhat).

So - GET AWAY FROM WIFI ASAP!!! AND FROM REPEATER BODIES! AND CELLPHONES/ TOWERS. There are some products which can help shield you somewhat. Do nor dismiss tin foil.

AND - Microclotting lipid-nanoparticles can be gradually dissolved by using sodium citrate**, and possibly methylene blue. When this is done, that encapsulated graphene oxide will be release into the blood stream. Which is why detoxing for the latter, I have found, is best done soon after detoxing for microlastics. A greater amount of plastic microplastic (nanos) are found in the brains of people with autism, btw.

It is extremely important to immediately then replace the natural fats these detoxers might have removed from, e.g., your hypo-campus (memory) neurons, and so on. If you do not do this, then it will only make it easier for the bioweapon toxins to attach and attack where layers of fat are now thinner!

AND - Graphene and heavy metals can be detoxed away using EDTA, (and a few other agents). EDTA takes out metals which attach themselves to calcium.

However, it is also extremely important to replenish calcium, strontium, and other metals very soon after detoxing with, e.g., EDTA. I try to be careful that I do so at a time when I am also discouraging graphene oxide from reattaching elsewhere, by using anti-bonders for it - like nattokinase, walnuts and nicotine. Ivermectin hydroxychoroquine might be best in this department. (Which is why they were banned). All of these allow ALL-IMPORTANT ZINC to get into cells, where it builds enzymes which help the immune system, etc.

Done safely and correctly, detoxing and replenishing should also help in other areas, such as in oxidative stress, Autism, neuorological, CFS, etc. But, with the problems created by the "COVID/vaccine" bioweapons, (proved), the battle will always be uphill, especially when the WiFi keeps running in the background! So, sadly, find other ways to be on the internet(!) at least.

I detox after a perceived increase of illness, with a health tea, early in the morning and RELAX., to help it be halfway effective. Then comes the EDTA. A little later, I have a special mug of health cocoa, and spend most of the day consuming only 100% protein foods, Such as tofu, which is high in calcium), and healthy oils/fats. I also take vitamin C + zinc + magnesium, and a multi-mineral.

I have learnt some of what I already know because I not only contracted "COVID", but have had CFS for decades. There is too much similarity between LC and CFS to dismiss the possibility that both have mainly been caused by immune agitants (adjuvants) in vaccines in the past. Not sure if it was G.O. in CFS, but might otherwise have been aluminum. Not sure about Autism, but possibly mercury preservative. Possibly. Menieres disease (sp?) may have been caused to non-lipidated G.O. in the past. All part of their one big great experiment.

* The great effect of sodium citrate is that it helps balance the body's pH level. This is important in helping to fight cancers and parasites, both which explode when graphene oxide takes over and changes the pH level. (More on this topic later). But, what also happens, after taking this supplement, is that stomach motility and intestinal peristalsis improve, moving food along, so that bad bacteria and parasites don't sit and fester, creating bad gas - (which can lead to bloat, in dogs). This will also0 help strengthen circadian rhythm and help lesson some fatigue. However, the chance of this improvement occur (at least quickly) will be lessened, the sicker one may be from LC or, what it actually is, radiation sickness.

(Baking soda + garlic will also help fight bad gut biota, parasites and cancer - but DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. Feel free to dialogue with me about my own bad habits)..

Now, I wanted to continue this post by listing the - let's see - about 7 categories of stress or illness or in-sanity which have been rising together in today's society, but I need to sleep now. One main category is WiFi, I can tell you that much. So stay tuned or, quiet literally, tune out! (But, yes, do tune out of WiFi! If you don't turn those devices off they will turn you off!)

For more on G.O. and WiFi, see tags, and see anti_viral (livejournal.com).

vit D, sunl/heat
alum / kuru?
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