Life Under Fire

Apr 05, 2024 12:49

You know a hypothesis is probably true when it can be used to predict things to a good degree of certainty. Sure enough, as predicted, guy upstairs has been trying to get up - and out - earlier than me, now, since I get up and out as early as physically possible, so long as I am halfway well enough. Today, when he was all dressed up and ready to go, he gave several bangs on the wall to prove his victory, poor crazy person. That's when the Walmart delivery man knocked on my door, and then I placed a call or two, which surely put the crazy neighbour back into his place, sitting on his bed, rocking back and forth like a young Bill gates under Senate investigation.

The Walmart delivery man was very nice. He had a beard but, since it is now April, no red suit. An affable guy whom I might consider snuggling up, if my penis happened to be pointed in the opposite direction.

I am now at the library, on a warmer, sunnier, less windy-than-thou day. Sounds fun? Then you don't know me or the hell that haunts me. My muscles are weak, strained, painfully and charlie-horsed. I am deeply fatigued, and express my condolences. I have half a brain-ache sandwich to finish, and fatigue is the ether through which I swim,struggle and breath. My right eye is worse than usual this morning, and some nut has been hammering away in my brain since the first moment of my day's conception. Not only is my skull the shell of this nut, ever-cracking, I've felt as if I have had the flu again, all morning. That would be flu number, something like, 666, by now.

And this is all because, even though I barely used any WiFi at all yesterday - like 10 seconds TL - the guy upstairs has been running his 24/7. Which is a killer, if you've taken a fancy to lipidated graphene oxide. They continue to bulldoze the large, wild lot near my giant hotspot apartment complex.

I called Lifeline, and was told I need to apply for that. And was told my Safelink ACP was a dif programme. Then I called my Safelink ACP, and all the info I got was about Lifeline. Who wrote this stuff, Kafka? Did find out that, same as the fibre-optic company I am considering, my current internet company, which is too expensive, can let me hook up to the router via cable, direct from laptop, and this will eliminate all WiFi radiation. This would mean basically living in my living room. Which is OK, if I build a new room-within-a-room.

I am considering building a Faraday cage mini-bedroom from the skeleton of a chicken coup or rabbit hutch. Money money money. Since this would not fit through my windows, it will have to be modular. Could be used for camping, or reassembled in the van. Inside, it can double as a table, with how many seats, not sure yet. But, I saw some great material, and some rods I could use, money money money, at a hardware place to which I would have to drive. Money.

And in this store there is a .22 caliber semiautomatic rifle (10+1, 18") on sale for cheap, which I might consider buying, even though I am not supposed to spend ANY money this month, money money. But, since guns are things I plan on buy eventually, then. Money. As each day goes by, my life becomes less and less safe. I don't know how many paratroopers I ran into on the street, today. Luckilly, they were all looking for the best Chinese restaurant.

Some of you mutual-subscribers might have seen the hidden poll I posted and, since you might have been given access to those filtered LJ groups. Sorry if it would not let you vote. Next time, even on filtered polls, I'll allow non-friends to vote, so you can get in on that. As for my other LJ friends, they kind of take me for granted these days, which is another reason why I am considering guns. Remember: You can't win my lottery unless you take the time to vote, so, come on! What are you waiting for?! Send it in! I know where you live.

Boy, am I tired. Need to work on a few things. Some of these will be formed into little fliers. And, you can get them at a discount. Now, I must retire to reality and all it bites...

Oh... Beware... Topic ahead... I think I might post hypotheses about how a name might be gathering around me again - in this little downtown without pity. I do have cicumstantial evidence, which totally trumps naturalistic observations....

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