Who Is Reiner Fuëllmich?

Feb 16, 2024 06:37

Just another guy, trying to get the FACTS out. And now he is the latest whistleblower being persecuted, (on false charges), for his free speech. This guy, early on, was taking REAL action!  And - he communicates quite clearly.  COVID and the so-called "vaccines" were not just lies - they are killing us. And they are doing so DELIBERATELY, because they were deployed as BIOWEAPONS AGAINST HUMANITY. For more solid FACTS ON THIS, see, "LET THE FACTS BE KNOWN !!!" - under THIS TAG. See also Ed Dowd, Michael Yeadon, Judy Mikovijk. Other whistleblowers and facts over at = anti_viral

(If videos don't go through, please use the tiny links).

https://banned.video/watch?id=628d6a52e5650e1e4ffc0764 / https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=628d6a52e5650e1e4ffc0764

https://banned.video/watch?id=65cb6acb0d63da299ec90b5f / https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=65cb6acb0d63da299ec90b5f

https://banned.video/watch?id=65c9c2d40d63da299eba16f7 / https://madmaxworld.tv//watch?id=65c9c2d40d63da299eba16f7

https://banned.video/watch?id=6489348647c3b95f25f4724e / https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=6489348647c3b95f25f4724e

https://banned.video/watch?id=6244d241ddde4a3db3db3053 / https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=6244d241ddde4a3db3db3053

https://banned.video/watch?id=651e874dc864bae5898c5929 / https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=651e874dc864bae5898c5929

https://banned.video/watch?id=643b588c2a928f708cb20ea6 / https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=643b588c2a928f708cb20ea6

Corona Investigative Committee
Crimes Against Humanity Tour USA
Reiner Fuellmich On Covid And International Legal Developments
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islands - vanuatu, vaccine madness / mandates, whistle-blowers, fuellmich - reiner fuellmich

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