RIGGED 2020 - Part 2 +++

Feb 17, 2024 04:56

Part one (2020) here

Here's another post which should be in the RIGGED series, esp. Re: 2020:  AGENTS OF COLLAPSE

In THIS (below) post, we add more about January 6, which was closely related to the 2020 elections.  Big new has come down, (validating my long-strong hypothesis), that the pipe bomm was an inside rouse.  It is even possible that - who knows? - Kamala Harris herself planted it, as a hazing ritual to let her into the big old man's NWO club...

Check out the map in the first video below.  It is almost exactly the same as the 3+ country model I imagined recently - (either just to btripp, or posted, or maybe both).  The blue on the left is the commie-state country of Pacfica, associated with China - (and maybe also with both Canada and Mexico). This is where the WEF won. (Although Mexico could equally go BRICC). (Except it wouldn't include parts of Washington and Oregon, starting from a line from west Nevada going north. That land would go to Idaho, USTX).

The big red and pink area could be called the United States of Texas, maybe.  Texas states would have ties to India and Russia - a pretty good deal - and also be a member of the BRICCS nations, with goldback currencies, gold-backed banks, and the streets all paved with motor oil....

The blue area - New Mexico and Colorado - could be a new "District of Columbia for the N.American union, or just become a part of Mexico.  Poor Illinois and Minnesota, IDK what to do with them - they could be part of the same "Federated States of North America," or something.  Maybe Illinois finally grows up and becomes a haven for liberty, being the only state left calling itself the USA, lol...

Then you get to the red states in the Northeast, which would become the country of Atlantica, associated with Europe. Nobody can understand them when they talk anymore. The farmers somehow make a profit by farming rocks and ice. And Martha's Vineyard becomes the capital.

Every 5 years, everybody has The Starving Games, where contestants all eat each other.

https://banned.video/watch?id=65cfb17f0d63da299ef55888 / https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=65cfb17f0d63da299ef55888

New 2020

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s- 'rigged' (2023-2024 series), january 6 'insurgency' / committee, history - 2020 elections, states - illinois, politics - 2020 / elections, states - arizona, maps - usa, dystopias - our future dystopia, lake - kari lake, states - texas, maps - political

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