Feb 15, 2024 14:17

So, a few weeks back Megyn Kelly said, cryptically, "Oh, I'm pretty sure we might be hearing more about Jeffrey Epstein in the future..." Or something to that effect. Seeing More of... More from... Something like that. It had the air of a declarative, than of a musing...

Now, on the Megyn Kelly show, we get new pictures of Jeffrey Epstein, with scars on his throat, indicating he was not hung, but strangled to death - maybe with a piano wire... sort of dealeo...

But if you look closely at the picture of his wound, it is completely Hollywood cosmetic. They are playing with your mind. They want you distracted by this new mystery! OMG - some more Epstein! It wasn't suicide, after all!

Well, actually, now we know that it wasn't even death, after all. Looking closely at this new fake-out of a photograph, what we actually know is that Epstein is still alive. You don't think Bill Gates wasn't capable of shunting him away - maybe into his bunker - while those prison cameras were, "broken," and the guards were asleep, (paid), or whatever it was?

No, Jeffrey Epstein is undoubtedly still alive, making baby clones from genetically altered porridge and body ash somewhere. Still running little versions of his once imperial scams. Sill flying around with pedophiles and Hamas, and so on. Doctor Epstein! It's ALIVE!!!

Go here - https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=65cbd2600d63da299ecd0d64 OT https://banned.video/watch?id=65cbd2600d63da299ecd0d64

He is risen!

epstein - jeffrey

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