Your holy host for this morning..

Jan 22, 2024 05:12

Eyes: I get glare now just from the LJ posting page. I will be picking up glasses in a few weeks, one driving, one bifocal. Too expensive to have anti-glare added, etc. They be naked. Instead, I am buying some flip-ons. Night-driving flip-ons should work for writing at the laptop, as well. Even if I don't wear lenses but just frames. After I get eye surgery, some million years in the future, I'll need to order new glasses. (And/or just pull out each right lens). So, then, I'll order a pair via the place recommended by btripp, since no more help from medicaid here, (for at least a year).

Ghosts: What explains ghosts, (beyond delusion or magic)? What I always found suspicious was how, despite the planet careening and rolling though space and time, ghosts seem to have no time keeping in place, time after time, even though they supposedly have no gravity. Therefore, I see only 2-3 explanations for ghosts. 1 - Summoned by imagination or intense will. Not necessarily real in any way. 2 - Local constellations of memory, as in the surrounding electromagnetic field, or some underground body richness of water, which just happens to be arranged in the luckiest way that the black swan event of a memory from the past can be re-summonned, over and over again. 3 - Bleed through from a parallel universe or world-line - although I continue to insist that quantum potentiality and potentiation can still substitute for, or coexist with, other worlds theories. (I believe 2 theories can be valid for the same phenomenon. E.g., chaos their and quantum mechanics can both explain some micro events)

Capacitated!: Original, creative, happy, aware, contemplative, healthy, relaxed, generous, grateful, empathic, young, free-minded, spiritual, multi-factoring, forward-seeing, in the flow, resilient and ready to go. These all describe a person who is not necessarily empowered, but who is capacitated. We need more of them, today. We don't need much more of this empowering crap, because empowering eventually leads to collapsing. Capacitated people attract creeps and narcissists like a lightning rod attracts lightning. Why? Because capacitation conflicts with the will-to-power, mean-world, Machiavellian view that only POWER matters, and succeeds. Narcissists and psychopaths actually stalk capacitated people, in full jealousy, and do try to do them as much harm as possible, in any ways available. When power sees capacitation to itself, rather than a foundation for itself, then it is smiting god, and all that fancy language, and betraying that it is a false authority, and that it is overdue for a collapse. This applies just as much to people, as it does to economics, as it does to physics.

Elderberry: I am going to start adding straight elderberry to my fermenting tart cherry and cranberry juices, as elderberry supposedly helps fight COVID/related.

Water: I am going to slowly get away from using plastic containers for water, juices, etc. Glass instead. I have been detoxing not only for metals, but also for plastics, as the lipid nano-particles are partly made of plastic. Our bodies also have 100x more-than-expected plastic in them, derived via the polluted environment alone, never mind clot-shot shedding, etc. (Also, it seems that my plastic bottle of fermenting juices might have eroded a little near the cap - which would mean more plastic in the juice)

Walnuts: I have been fighting not to be controlled and destroyed by illness. In addition, I had some walnuts overnight, and they did seem to reduce my symptoms - as prophesied by the walnut tree crop-circle, [sic].

Deep Fatigue: Remember me saying that deep, hidden fatigue can cause illness, etc? Also: VISIONS. I found I was able to summon my visions on my own, so long as the deep fatigue was still there. I did this by deliberately floating between sleeping and waking states. Even while barely conscious, I would then focus my attention - an almost impossible thing to do, but possible. That's when the visions crossed over, "from the other side." Well, theoretically, it may be possible to conduct black magic - or miracles - through such exercises. ALSO: I find that each time I do a tourets/apnea event, this helps remove deep fatigue a little bit, (by being a modicum of sleep). I am led to believe that the apnea is a result of deep fatigue becoming inflated like a balloon, overtaking "desktop" fatigue, and the circadian. Just pick away at it, and I might start recovering, t least from COVID-related.

Food / caffeine: I have not found food to be too enjoyable lately. I also want more of it. Possibly cancer, idk. So, I am eating less of it. I am also doing less caffeine. Even skipping decaf mocha and decaf green tea. (Need more pine needle tea). Skipping even the tiny amnt. of caffeine I normally consumer per diem, reducing it might help against the deep fatigue.

Politics: What? Desantis suspends after only one caucus/primary? Why? Well, maybe he's not that interested in being distracted from Florida. Or - mostly looking at Trump's big win and his poor showing could have been enough. But, still, only after one primary?! I think something else is going on here. Just as Pense and Christi pulled out while the NWO obviously put its money on Haley, (following her scuffle with Ramiswamy), now Desantis is stepping out - to make even more room for Haley, in SC. Meanwhile, Trump/s demeanour has changed from one meant to ward off GOP male competitors, to one more acceptable to lib females. (People forget that Trump is basically a populist, not a GOPper, and that he was non-political before running in 2016 - liked by many, across the spectra). So - everyone knows that the NWO will be setting up Michelle Obama as the main Dem contender, and both Trump and Haley somehow know that M.Omama is the person they will be running against, one day. And the script for Desantis probably went like this, "Make room for Haley now, and we'll get money to you later, if she falters - a deal? - or else!) As far as Trump goes, as I said, he remains a person of interst. He's actually the strongest person who could roll out another LOCKDOWN/BIOWEAPON emergency, sad to say.

I have more to say, in a lockbox post. I'll let you know if I add anything to this list later.

environ - plastics /straws/ bags/ etc., obama - michelle, politics - 2024 / elections, haley - nikki, ghosts / ghost people, health - sleep /insomn/ lack of sleep, toxins - caffeine, health - fatigue syndromes, ramaswamy - vivek ramaswamy, presidents - trump donald trump, food - walnuts, water flowing underground, environ - water, power - will to power / selfishness, paranormal / supernatural, physics - power

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