Jan 21, 2024 14:30

In our discussions of narcissists and psychopaths, ("narcopaths"), we haven't really discussed the concept of "mirroring" much, if at all. Let's do it. I don't have any bog organised theme post here. I just started thinking about mirroring...

Narcopaths, lacking much empathy, and addicted to denial, also do not really know their own feelings. Instead, they study how to act, emotionally, by watching others. And, then, they use this as a tactic for gaining control, since the drive to control is the whole reason why everything about them is so messed up in the first place. So, they see a person sad about something, then they pretend the same sadness. Or they pretend happiness, or anticipation, or love - whatever it is that the other person is showing, emotionally - that's what they mirror, or imitate.

[I sometimes wonder how, logically, behaviour learnt via jealousy do convert so practically into tactics of Machiavellianism. It's an interesting thing to think about. It needs some kind of physics explanation or formula].

If a narcopath learns someone of whom they are jealous has been talking to someone they want to control, or continue controlling, they will immediately rush to their pawn, and faw over them, and mirror all the emotions that that subject now feels, using this mirroring tactic as a way of swaying the subject, "back over," to their, "corner." If they hear that the object of jealousy has been talking with someone else they know, then they will rush to THAT pawn, and use mirroring, and other tactics, to manipulate that person back into their corner. And on and on and on. Jealousy and insecurity drives their "need" to not merely to mimic their prey, from prey to prey, in an insatiable war, but it reveals to them what they themselves are supposedly also feeling. This is what they know of empathy: parasiting emotions. Vampiring. As they mirror the host, they also suck away their blood.

Since they really believe that the other person's feeling were their own feelings, (via mirroring), they will become insistent and indignant when someone points out grave contradictions in their actual behaviour, and emotional irresponsibility. Since they believe that that mirrored part of the great womb still belongs to them, then, if questioned, they will run off, or fly off the handle, playing come kind of persecuted victim.

In this way, they can usurp sibling's sincere concerns for some other sibling - of who the narcopath is jealous - and then turn those siblings AGAINST that once believed sibling, calling him unfair, or whatever. ll through gossip, with no one consulting him about his side of anything. Thus the jealousy of the narcopath is turned into a weapon of war. As if the target deserves to be attacked. And thus we have something I have considered for many years: JEALOUSY IS CONVERTED INTO SOME PRETEND "MORALITY", WHICH IS USED AS A TOOL OF JUSTIFIED ATTACK.

I recall how my sister would try to mirror me, just to get me to think the way she insisted I think. One example is that, if I sent her a note using legal pad paper, because that's what was lying around, then her next flood of letters would be on legal pad paper. Thinking this would somehow help sway me, being an idiot. Anything but admit that she was simply ERRANT. They cannot admit they are wrong, since they waste so much energy, pretending to be right.

Or, as I mentioned some posts back: I say to one sibling, "She is only making my life worse!" then NPD sister discovers this, and quickly runs to gossip with that sibling, retrieves that information, and, the next time she is communicating to me, shouts at me, "You are only making everything worse!" Mirroring back, as a tactic of war. Absolutely no real empathy or consideration behind the words parroted. Making herself look quite foolish, ims.

People like to be affirmed, especially when in an emotional state. So, they often feel comforted when someone else mirrors them, pretending (even to themselves) that they care. But, this is one of the ways a narcissist can deceive, and get their claws into you, with you just opening the door for it, as so many people opened the door for the COVID shits, brought to you by Pfizer, "because we care!"

And, like the AI behind this whole murderous conspiracy, narcopaths have a similar fault. Just like AI, narcopaths add data on top of data - all taken from the past. AI doesn't really acquire any kind of soul or emotional intelligence. Rather, the opposite: Since AI is blind to the emotional side of the information it is compiling, then, when it does pretend to reach sentience, it may be a demonic force of emotion which breaks out, instead of human emotion. So it is similar with narcopaths: When they simply mirror back, ex post facto, and continue to deny their deepest buried real emotions, then they go on to devour themselves and others with negativity and harm.

Mirroring, as in AI, is all about the past. What happened photons ago. It isn't genuine or original at all. And it does not enhance progressiveness. Just reptilian fundamentalism. Of whatever stripe.

Narcopaths are not original people. This is something we have learnt in previous posts. They spiral in a sink of jealousy over other people's originality, and thus of further destruction to their own. One day, early on, they got out of the wrong side of the bed, and just went with that, for the rest of their lives. It's very sad, actually.

In game theory, someone who mirrors another who is always titing out competitive moves, then the game collapses, and no one walks away happy.

When a narcopath mirrors someone who tits out only 2 for ever three tats coming back, then the former begins to move to a 2/3 policy too - just as an unoriginal, imitative strategy. The narcopath begins to believe this is how they feel, and the game settles into a longer term relationship. Doesn't do anything about the mental illness, but does help manage the relationship, or trade relationship, or power dynamic.

However, this generally won't happen if one is trying to play with a psychopath who no longer cares what anybody thinks, and only wants the power to destroy - massively retaliate - having no further principle - or superego - to guide their actions, as discussed further in a recent post.

my family/relatives, ++, game theory - tit for tat, all * narcissists/ narcissism/ psychopat, s- 'profile of a psychopath' (2021-2024), narcissism - narcissists/ psychopaths

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