Thood 4 Fought

Jan 22, 2024 15:35

I wrote about my visions the other day - finally. I described the round telescreen, a portal to a parallel universe, perhaps. The Alex Jones Sunday show began unusually, a day or two later. It did a "psychodelic" pan of a church, and so on, very colourful and alive, as in LSD - or DMT. In it, a round circle appears, and a man goes stands and looks at it, as it becomes a telescreen, showing planets - while planets from his own universe surrounded him. That's just another one of those coincidental things. Alex Jones says he had visions from something divine and, understanding his profound relevance to today's tenuous world, I must entertain this may be true.

On today's show, he featured Michael Yon, reporting from the Darian gap. This is a jungle area shared by Panama and Venezuela, which is being opened up so that more and more immigrants can take busses and caravans to our border, to be ushered in by Joe Biden and Greg Abbott. AND OUR GOVERNMENT IS PAYING FOR IT ALL - JUST LIKE IT WAS BEHIND THE TERRORIST CLOT-SHOTS. A very good report, where liberals express complete surprise and dismay, I will post that for you soon! The information must get out and be shared! Because they really are trying to take down the country - and then the world.

Run by psychopathic snivelling little rat-faced gidiots - idiots with lots of money, their only redeeming quality. Instead of them turning off our money with their CBDCs - maybe we should turn off their money somehow? Otherwise, all of humanity will be in a horrible state, shedding blood, shedding blood. Why should we be fated by idiots, just because they have money? Makes zero sense. Stop worshiping authority!

Made myself a tasty morning muffin. Felt it getting to my brain cells. Maybe the tiny amnt. of caffeine I was doing, every morning, was adding enough to the blocking of cells that nutrients weren't getting in enough. And this added to the deep fatigue. But, it was something I'd serve up in a restaurant, so I'll post a recipe for it soon!

Even though I developed more fatigue and ennui, deciding not to go downtown yet - as the weather warms - I warmed up the recent "chicken enchilada" rice, and heated up a pot pie - in a pot! I had just received my mail, and my reward for trying to live cheap on potatoes resulted in an electric bill twice as high as last months. I am sure winter heating also added to the bill - except both my thermostats are way low. For some reason, my heaters keep going anyway. Darn it with a MN.

[Actually, you can catch today's Alex Jones show on repeat now, if you go to ]

20 million dead at least because of the clot shots, so far. 80 million died in 3rd world due to COVID lockdowns - starvation, disease, etc. And the WHO wants to be refunded. And the State Department says it must be refunded. And Congresspeople like heir jobs. Bloodshed, bloodshed.

That chicken enchilada rice was nice, especially as a cold left-over. However, the Progressive enchilada soup was too thin - and it tasted like BURNT. Graphene Oxide again? Less noticeable once you got into eating, like a mouse eating the cheese in its trap... AND - How did I make a pot pie in a pot?

The pot was small, and covered. The heat was below high. Cooked dry on a little sheet of foil for maybe 4o mins. When top of pie was brown, I threw it on the reheated rice. And I found that, next time, I need to cook the pot pie until it is pretty dark looking on top. Other than that, and the fact that I should be limiting my calories, i was a pretty good meal!

Had some spinach and V8 to supplement. Also, more walnuts. Going to buy more walnuts soon.

jones - alex jones, food - rice and chicken, immigrants - migrant caravans

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