Nov 07, 2023 14:18

Everybody sees it on TV so they all rush to buy it. Once, it was special plastic thing you put in the microwave.  Or it was toy, electronics or furniture.  Now, we can walk down the street and just get whatever we want, because these things are being thrown out daily, accumulating.  Too much stuff.  What happens when all the stuff from China breaks or just piles up into mountains anyway?  Boredom.  Who cares?  China has empty cities piling up.  And is part of the great scheme to depopulate.  So, you tell me what is going on.

It's like currency devaluation, but this is thing devaluation..  And, yet, new things cost more and more.  Not because people want them, but because that is the agreed-upon corporate programme.  A conspiracy of investors and producers and marketers, tailoring their first presentations to an ever shrinking niche in the market - rich people who aren't bored or jaded yet.  Who still see things as an important part of the road to success.  As soon as they buy them, at exorbitant prices, they throw them out, and so the process begins,  Stagflation.  Boredom with things.

It is blood, the people want.

Blood, sex, cake, drugs - classify it all under freedom.  The new kind of freedom.  Having what should not be had.  The will, or spirit, of other human beings.  This is tantamount to mass automated, slow-kill murder.

I would write about how pollsters, and market-researchers, and marketers and advertisers and sellers would all keep moving towards predicting what people would want, and then capitalise on that, even before it manifested as a will to buy.  Kind of a "pre-crime" mentality about "pre-buying."  You cannot say I was wrong about this.  But, the trend just keeps going.  Artificial Intelligence tells us what we are going to buy.  Infinite data is collected on us, so it is already known what we SHOULD buy next.

Think about this.  Once upon a time, the so-called free market kept scrambling to rise to the needs and decisions of the wills of all the people in the public.  Now, they have all the data, and even all the means, that they now basically predict what we SHOULD be buying next.  No longer having anything to do with wills - or with our freedom to choose, in a free market, right?  So, they are expanding into our very wills, to actually control what we buy.  But - why stop there?

Why not just tell us what to do?  That's a lot easier.  And some economists actually call it economics.  When it is fascism.  No more market mayhem.  Now, the trains will run on time.  No more boredom with things and wishy washy market research - now, work gets done, for the state, for the war.

There comes a point, doesn't there?  When society gets bored with things and instead wants to possess each other.  In a bottleneck.

Now, they are injecting graphene oxide into people's cells, which expand and kill people, when exposed to the very radiation that people have learnt to love: WiFi, Mobile, Cellphone, Bluetooth, and so on.  The object, now, is to destroy the will - the freedom of choice - completely.  This is the logical conclusion of mean-world capitalism.  But, lets be fair - also of state, "collectivism."  Turning the deaths of individuals into the deaths of millions, and so making them statistics that can be ledgered and dismissed.

When capitalism stops catering to the wills of consumers, and instead becomes a top-down dictator of will, inevitably, mass genocide ensues.  Because - you've already got a huge amount of the population backing this transition up - assuming it is the same sort of thing, or that it is secretly what each sadistic person wants in private, or because individuals have become so bored with things that their wills to the power of others is so tenuous that they drop like flies when the state wills to take them over instead.

Possession is 9/10th of the law, so they say.

economics - statism, psychology - control, free will/ choice /freedom to choose, s- 'possession' (2023-24 series), 70 deadly sins - possession, free will and fate / determinism, economics - dysfunctionalism, will - nature of will

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