Nov 07, 2023 22:53

If there is one thing you might consider taking to your grave, it is that, when push comes to shove, capitalism and Marxism are the same thing.

Start off thinking about it this way: The Catholic church and society was all about the ideals of going to heaven, finding soul salvation, achieving blessedness through right action - not accruing sin - being independently responsible, and so on.  Sounds a lot like capitalism.  Progressing in society through a kind of social credit score - and money.

On the other hand, Catholic society was very collectivist, morally closed, authoritarian, in-the-gutter, common-man, agrarian, work-a-day, and all that.  Very communistic in many ways.

It was similar in feudalism.  Mercantilism.  And so on.  You've got the idealism running parallel to the collectivism.  Hand in glove.  So, even in capitalist societies, you have fire stations, co-ops, school systems, clubs, trade unions, insurance, social welfare, and so on.  And, certainly, in communist countries, you have the underground economies.  In China, it is hard to tell where communism ends and state capitalism begins.  China is all about control, either way.

So, that's one way of starting to think about it.  It's really no wonder that the conversation over civil Ideals and dialecticals has been going on for thousands of years now.

Now, money.  And banks...  Here's a little parable.  Banks exist for the minority of elites in society who want to hide the fact that they are actually parasites on the main society.  So, they run Ponsi schemes, and such.  (And they mainly lock these into land).  So, let's say a bank has only $5.  (In real-value money - like backed by $5 worth of corn).  It tells everyone that it actually has $100 to loan out.  So, on paper, it says it is loaning out $100 - money it does not really have, and the elites are all secretly happy about this.  Sounds ideal, to them.  For the unrealists, its always abstractions and superstitions - MAGIC - that work to the best of their interests.

And, the masses never learn, just because there are so many of them, they cannot really learn.

So, $100 - a lot can be done with $100.  Shoes can get cobbled.  Horses can get cleaned up after.  Debts can be repaid.  Kids can be fed.  That is industry.  That is progress.  You need money to make money so, yes, that $100 does circulate and help create a little more money in society, like increased blood flow passes out little packets of glucose to all the poor little cells.  But, you don't often want too much of that or there might be revolution...

But, of course, all the banks have way more than $5 to start with.  More like $5 trillion - actually much more than $5 trillion.  But, let's say that they have $5 trillion, in reality.  But, they go around saying they have $100 trillion to loan out.  That is industry.  That is progress.  You need money to make money.  So, this is how capitalism works.  But, what abut the corn backing the fractional value behind all this?  It - like gold - becomes more and more expensive in real terms, over time.  And what happens to all that money-on-top-of-money out there - all of it just written on paper?  You got it.  Devalued.  Currencies get devalued.  And things get more and more expensive.  (Until you get to stagflation, see the last post).

So, naturally, there is this massive drag that builds in this so-called system, i.e., scheme benefitting the richest of investors.  For instance:

- Rates of return on investments start falling off.
- Sales decline, productivity decreases, and businesses fail.
- Supply chains slow down and choke up.
- Basic costs go up.
- People stop spending.  Spending may give way to indebtedness.
- Although there are not (yet) runs on the banks, investors and borrowers exert pressures for assurance of some security.
- Interest rates rise, to try to recoup high investment income.  Yet slowing the economy further.
- New ways are sought to expand capitalist growth, manly THROUGH CORRUPTION.  Crime.  Cheating.  Breaking the rules.

See how it works?

So, then the banks, in order to keep all this afloat, actually do invest themselves in the businesses of corruption - and I mean spending on it like drunken sailors.  It runs the gamut from child sex trafficking to gun and drug running to money-laundering to being involved with mob activities and so on.  This is why the greatest of financial institutions, like State Street and BlackRock and Rockerfellers all shift around, trying to get smaller corporations involved in decadent nonsense.  And they also move towards INVESTING IN WAR AND DESTRUCTION.

Whereas possession had been calmer and regulated in the days of capitalism, now possession becomes outright violent in the days of revolution.

And, the formula is extremely simple: Make money off of building civilisations up...  And THEN, make money by tearing those very civilisations back down.  It does not matter to the elites, who fully understand that THIS IS THEIR GAME.  It does not matter how many millions might die because of their wars.  They are all psychopaths and narcissists, born and bathed in money - so - I am telling you - THEY DO NOT CARE HOW MANY MAY DIE.  In fact, they like it.  This is the fun time for them.  The fun time for us was when there was an active economy - like the 80's.  The fun time for them is like the 1930's-1940's.  Nuclear bomms.  Plagues.  Bioweapons.  All that fun stuff.

OK, so, now it is easy to think of economics as a patient on a ventilator.  Breathe in, breathe out.  Breathe in, breathe out...  Lungs expand, lungs contract.  The contractions, when more destructions occur, are when communism tends to thrive.  And this is not by accident.  It is planned.  Revolutions are planned by the banks.

Why?  You get all this drag in the system, along with more restive than festive people, and you've got a whole rush away from legal, legitimate capitalism, towards CORRUPTION, what do you think is going to happen?  War, revolutions and Marxist expansions.

[And the corruption ensues as a way of meeting the demand THAT GROWTH KEEPS HAPPENING. So many are invested in rising rates of return - wherever they might come from. It is a growth model, after all. Gotta grow!]

World money doesn't flow around in a circle, constantly refreshing itself.  It flows up to the elites, it flows down from the elites, and sometimes in the form of non-capitalism.  That's what Marxism is - why it was made.  Marxism was made to allow for the lungs to contract.

Now, you have this huge rise in corruption which really breaks so many rules of capitalism that it is really outside of capitalism, but it is using the same currencies.  Just like Marxism being funded by the same currencies of the elites.  And Marxism runs to barter systems and theft and violence and taking land via waves of illegal immigrations and warfare, via drug-running and gun-running, and so on.  Who is facilitating all this?  The banks.

Marxism assumes it is doing most of its trade via barter but there is this little thing called money-laundering in the middle of all those barter transactions, and there you will find the Demons of the banks.  Epstein.  Bankman-Fried.  Politicians.  Just a whole host of criminals.

So, we have these periods where Marxism goes on its own empire-building campaigns, not merely via the corruptions of capitalism - but, of course, through its promises and religions of ideology.  Its MAGIC.  I guess I have more to add on this later, so stay tuned...

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economics - capitalism - corrupt capital, revolution / revolutions, corruption, psychology - magical thinking, s- 'possession' (2023-24 series), political - communism, elitist nonsense, class - filthy rich, political - socialism, music - costello elvis, economics - capitalism - anti-capitalism, money-laundering, economics - banksters/ banksterism/ agen

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