Hey runn nunn nah!

Nov 07, 2023 02:36

I have started doubling up on the morning detox again.  A good thing - will help this persistent nut in brain.  But, a bad thing when it means magnesium, etc., will be dropping, meaning more cramps, fatigue, etc.  So, gotta stay up on replenishing in time, but not too soon.  Also, intractable nut oddly helped by small amnt of alcohol, which thins blood and increases brain BP at same time.  I can manipulate via meditation w/o doing really any visualising.  And, so, of course, I had a dream that it would also help if I became a Jew.  What to do?  When all else fails, become a Jew.  So, I got this package deal where I don't even have to go to Poland but will get Bat-Mitzvahed there.  This is where you sit at a bar and someone hits you over the head and you fly around in your dreams as a bat and wake up being Jewish.  However, you must wait for the big package of special gloves to arrive in the mail so someone can circumcise you.  I figure it would be better to go all the way and get it all taken care of in one swell foop.  So, then I would be a female and everyone would say, "He doesn't have to be Jewish, now - he's a female!" Here - Have a tequila... Please.

religion - jews / jewish / influence

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