Get thee behind me!

Aug 23, 2023 00:52

Awakened by a great pain down below.  The kind my dog used to know, no doubt.  Meantime, I thought I'd do this quick post...

This whole conspiracy of techno-depravity, attacking our world, getting into people's bloodstreams and killing them, projecting blame like xrays into innocent victims based on race, creed or colour - where is it coming from?  What is it made of?  Is it so very bad?  It sounds like so many of the things you once campaigned for, madman101!  How could it be so wrong if it believes so many tings you believed?!

And it's true,,,

- prosocialist, utopian communism - so was I! - (except that it is violent and totalitarian)
- anti-racist! - so was I! - (except that it is racist)
- anti-capitalist!- so was I! - (except that it is anti: health and wealth and common sense and fair trade and decentralised capitalism)
- anti-corporatist - so was I! - (except that it is pro-corporatist)
- pro-anarchism - so was I! - (except that it is pro-violence and disruption, I was NOT)
- pro-LGBT- so was I! - (except that it is pro-perverity, profanity, pedophilia, and LGBT supremacism)
- pro-woman - so was I! - (except that it is anti-woman)
- pro-environment - so was I! - (except that it is anti-environment)
- anti-warming - so was I! - (except that it is actually pro-CONTROL and pro-depopulation and ignores the science)
- pro-health - so was I! - (except that it is very much ANTI-health)
- PROGRESSIVE - so was I! - (except that it is RULE BY DESTRUCTION)
- anti-hate - so was I! - (except that it is pro-hate)
- pro-choice - so was I! - (except that it is anti-choice)
- pro-freedom-of-speech - so was I! - (except that it BANS ANYONE WHO DISAGREES)
- pro-democracy - so was I! - (except that it only supports ONE PARTY CONTROL).
- freedom of choice - except we are supposed to own nothing, eat bugs, take the death shots and be happy.

What am I missing.  A lot, I am sure.  Maybe more later.  Thankfully, I am getting tired again!

hypocrisy - left-wing hypocrisy, same as the old boss, ironic / (sardonic) and see humour, nwo / wef / great reset

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