On The Trial and Death of SOCRATES!

Aug 23, 2023 10:22

I often forget to mention Socrates as being one of my heroes, but he is.  He was a very wise guy, who simply chatted amongst curious people, the majority of whom happened to be young, of course.  For this, he was turned into an enemy of the state - the sort of thing we see going on today - not just in politics, but across society.  I wrote a paper on the trial and death of Socrates, in college - (not he was not tried and executed in my college, although I sometimes felt as if this was happening to me at the time).

I could have kicked this guy for willfully drinking the hemlock, even though he was innocent, as an altruistic deference to the absolute authority of the State.  Well, I think this might have been Plato's interpolation, as he - the intellectual son of Socrates - was a state absolutist, who messed up civilisation in some ways, including TODAY.  Anyway, despite my objections, the willful death of Socrates, in addition to his being an ALL-AROUND WISE-GUY, were extremely influential to western civilisation, and to religion and moral philosophy or ethics as well.

Socrates simply believed in drawing out the truth which resided in the innocent heart of very human being, or member of the state.  And that's what the state was supposed to be based on.  That's the whole meaning of democracy.  So, Socrates felt he was defending the state, when he was defending the inner daemons of honest and intelligent human beings.  All of his verbal wisdoms were taken up by Plato, (who influenced Hegel and therefore Marx) - and both of these eggheads' ideas were taken up and amended by the great Aristotle, so influential upon the middle ages and later.

Socrates altruism and martyrdom most surely influenced later Buddhist and Christian religions.  "NO JUSTIFICATION FOR THE CHARGES OTHER THAN JEALOUSY." There was a great flowering in moral wisdom during those classical centuries - maybe 600-300 BCE. Here are some videos for you...

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Find PLATO'S APOLOGY and more via this search.

"The saddest song ever..."

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Headache seems to be diminishing somewhat.

death - art of dying, ++, socrates, history - ancient greece, my heroes, transcendentalism

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