Aug 07, 2023 18:10

So.  As discussed, one common trait of the NWO / WEF / etc. vampires is that they hijack trends, just like stock investors and vulture captalists.  They see a trend, like world is depopulating, and they immediately step in with, "Oh!  We are the ones to be in control of that!"  I am sure you already know individuals in your life who do this sort of thing.  Industrious parasites.  Narcissists and, like the guy who wore human skins and all that, psychopaths.  These sorts of loser, parasite people like to join clubs of prestige, for some reason.  I think maybe as a kind of mass escape route out from nature.  And they're all fundamentally city people.  So, these clubs have their own hierarchies.  The people "at the top" are not only the most elite of elites, they also tend to be the most unnatural and demonic.  They see trends forming and think, "how can we use this trend to further destroy the rest of humanity?"  And what was it that Ripley said?  That's right.  You don't have to believe this for it to be true.

So, we spotlighted their attacks on the various grids - energy, transport, gas vehicles, chemicals, trains, a little of the food grid.  They use the excuse of global warming, just as they hijack various other noble social causes and movements.  So, they say they want the environment saved, for a better age, when really they are destroying the environment - and you, and your health, and your DNA as well.  Because.  They are crazy.

It is almost like every move in my own life has been because there was one main purpose for me, on Earth, which was to learn exactly how the minds of these idiots work.

They have been destroying the grids.  Soon we'll see how they are destroying the food industries.  But, here, let's just look at how they are - and have been - attacking the meat supply!

Why meat?  Ostensibly, because cows fart, and that CO2 is 100% bad.  But, more exactly, they are attacking meat because they are attacking you - on every front.  From bioweapon, "vaccines," to chemicals in your water, to pornographic educational TV, to killing off your pets, to making you eat poisonous insects, to stealing away your land, to stealing away your rights, to stealing away your cash, to stealing away you dignity, your reputation, your honour, integrity, and so on.  Because they cannot stand a free and spiritually creative humanity.  They pretend they love it, so they can go ahead and demolish it.  As I said, I know of what I speak.

So, take a look at how they are attacking meat, something you will one day be...

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You can be a vegetarian if you want to. That's fine. You can want to slow global warming. That's fine. But crazy is crazy. Dangerous is dangerous. Everybody has a right to their own food choices. And global warming has more than one cause. Such as the solar system passing through a cloud warp in the galactic plain. I thought only aliens messed with cows - because aliens are psychopaths and don't respect life on Earth. Most of all, this is AN ATTACK ON EVERYONE, ON EVERY FRONT.

food - meat / red / processed meat, ++, nwo / wef / great reset

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