My own biggest criticality.

Aug 08, 2023 05:29

Fatigued / tired.

I need to do a post on criticality.  You know, what they call tipping points in climate models, and such.  Straws that break camels backs.  Points of no return.  Sudden chance for self-organisation.   Hoffdink steps.  Phase changes.  Like water turns to ice.  Paradigm shifts.  And so on.

Some forever-dullard people read that my dog and I are affected solar CMEs and, instead of seeking to comprehend this, use it as more reason to shout that I am insane and abusive.  The fact is that, when some illnesses reach a certain point, they can, and are, affected by more discrete changes in the environment, such as electrical storms.  That's the whole point of CFS.  Sensitivity to everything.  Criticality everywhere.

Or look at EI / MCS.  People with that illness are affected by the very slightest trace of a chemical lurking in the air.  They can smell it like a dog can smell cocaine.  CRITICALITY.

People who refuse to understand it are usually the very same people who ignore death itself and, instead, spend their lives trying to kill others, whilst in complete denial of what they are doing. Because they are dullards.

tipping points, chaos theory, critical situations

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