Sleep: Leading by example.

Aug 07, 2023 15:42

I had five fresh, store-bought ice-cream cones saved in my freezer.  Waiting there for the time when any people came over and helped me move things in the summer time.  Such a time as occurred the other day.  But, I was cognitively displaced.  And the throng arrived with arteries pre-clogged.  (Well, actually, I am thinking of the visit preceding the most recent one).  Sad, but I forgot to remember not to forget to remember to pull those cold cones out from their homes and pop them into the mouths of would-be babes, all for want of a neuron or two.  Imagine how things could have gone if we had all feasted on ice cream, instead of each other.

Imagine how it might have been if someone had, instead of forcing an agenda, simply lay down, gone to sleep, and in their dream, said, "come, sit here and imagine what you will.  The world is still.  You are still.  Ice cream is cold.  Don't grow old.  Walk slowly to the freezer.  And there, be so bold.  To grow an arc of kindness or two.  You can do it.  Remember?  Remember you?  I doooo.  Don't yoooo?  Do it!  You can, too!"

But, noooooooooooooooo.

The most incident was less stressful, though.  And, my two more sane sibs set to helping lift boxes to the van for me.  Which was really needed, and appreciated.  However, I was strained, and, for lack of a better word, in lack of a better brain.

Similarly, my dog was strained by two untimely walks recently, within the space of something like maybe 3 days?  That's too much, IF he does have a CFS-type doggie illness, which he keeps demonstrating he does.  This time, was a perfect example that he does.  Because, following those walks, and other compounded stressors, he sincerely displayed a great need to sleep.  He's been wanting sleep for two days, now.  BUT, exactly like me, with my nervous CFS?  Something gets in his mind, and keeps him from sleeping.  Instead, he gets antsy.  Just like me, he burns up sleep energy being nervous.  What about?

He sees me doing things - moving around - and he thinks I am going to leave.  It has become obvious to me that one of the greater stressors to him is when I actually have to leave him alone.  Which is almost never.  But, apparently, he really, really dreads it happening!  It's like the worst thing possible, in his mind.  That I should leave again.

So, he sees me move about, and, instead of following what Doctor Zzz advised him to do, he wo';t settle down, until he sees me settle down.  In this way, my dog forces me not to do anything.  I am forced to lie down on the couch.  And, only this will compel him to finally settle down, and go to sleep.  Isn't that both sweet and sad - plus a little sick?  I'd say so.

He loves me so much.  He fears ever being separated from me.  He is sleeping quite well, now.  It won't be long before the strain of those two walks has passed - just as the strain of past exertions eventually passes, in my CFS.  As long as he can sleep, his energy levels can come back up.  And his negativity levels can go back down.  And he can remember things, such as: "There are catfish nuggets in the freezer!"

So, you see, paradoxically, sometimes the key to being a good leader, is just to be like Gandhi.  Just lie down, in the face of oppression, and scoop up salt from the shore.  Maybe get taken away by the man of sand, rather than.  Some kind of.  Ku  Kux Klan.

Peace is leading by example.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Nothing dares to be real, before it dares to be dreamt.

dreams, my dogs - king, ++, peace, gandhi - mahatma

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