
May 26, 2023 05:16

It would be nice just to step outside and appreciate nature.  But these neighbours just lurk around, with their starings and microaggressions and dogs pissing on my flowers.  The guy keeps enraging me by trespassing and mowing into the property, right over my own mowing, that I become ill for weeks afterwards.  Whatever is in my brain and heart - clots or what - is just getting worse and worse because of this.  I am now never not deeply dizzy and ready to black out.  My heart is frequented by sharp, cutting pains.  I have things to do.  To accomplish.  I can't even enjoy the Spring.  Nor go inside and have a day to myself, getting things done, or relaxing.  All my time goes into petty nonsense, and struggling to regain my health.  Seemingly without hope.  What is the point of these people?  How can they not have lives?  They have plenty of material things.  Twice as many dogs, garage space, house storeys, everything, than I have.  And they still feel the need to TAKE from me, even my helath?  And they lie to the police, and my sister, that they do this?  Why would anybody want to exist like that?  Just enjoy the spring!  And be glad you have what you have, and be alive and appreciate that!  Appreciate that I am NOT a bad neighbour.  I am NOT taking from you.  But apparently they can't be happy until they turn the world dark and destructive all around them, proving their own hatreds.  No different than maurauding Marxists.  In them - a micro-fractal of the hologram - I can see how both capitalism and communism can conspire into true evil.  An even higher ideology unto itself.

woe is me, my cfs diary (2023), my neighbours, narcissist next-door

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