May 25, 2023 18:15

Because, it is a strategy to divide us against each other, so that the elites can move in and exploit, and destroy, us all.

Out of all the billions of so-called COVID money, sent out by the Congress, at the expense of future generations, did you know that billion were diverted, billions were wasted, and billions went completely missing?  60 billion dollars per year were weirdly allotted for teachers unions, even though their members were refusing to teach.  Biden diverted billions to pay for loan forgiveness for rich students, which the House had refused to fund, and the Court found to be an illegal move y the Pres.  I think the total "COVID" money lost was $1.5 trillion - or maybe that's just the amount that completely disappeared.   Unaccounted for.

Remember the pallet loads of cash secretly being sent off to Iran?  Remember all the money coming in from China for Bidens, and the media, and scientists, and so on?  Remember all the money from George Soros and Bill Gates?  And how about all the money continuously being laundered by banks?

And you don't think that this is how politicians and BLM administrators get their multi-million-dollar mansions?  You don't think it is not easy for massive covert warfare projects to be constructed and employed, including the most recent militarisation of immigration via Central America?  And how about all the doctors manipulated to give the shots, and keep their mouths shut?

And meanwhile the Fed is printing and loaning out counterfeit money, as its member banks launder, run guns, run sex slaves, and run child traffic rings. Then there are all the NGOs, Foundations and non-profits who hand over huge chunks of money to global projects of a very nefarious nature.

What I am saying is there is virtually an infinite amount of cash available to fund the designs of the elites who want us gone.  And some of these projects are all about propagating WOKE.  It's a very, very, very rich joke.

It 'started' with well-oiled campaigns against Chick-fil-A, Goya and others.  Managing ads and protests and bans of these corporations for being politically incorrect.  Then there was the company hosting the sports game in Atlanta, who was attacked for some un-PC thing, I don't even remember what it was.  Whatever it was, I do know that it all proved to be bullshit, in the end, of a bull.

Then came the attacks on Disney, associated with the so called, "Don' Say Gay," bill.  This was a bill in Florida meaning to end the sexualisation, in public schools, of younger children.  Nowhere in the bill does it say anything about gay.  It just wanted teachers, and others, to stop teaching and propagating various messages about sex, normally understood to be inappropriate for such young children.

But that issue was all blown up, deliberately, as once-again, the "censorship" Republicans going on a religious mission to ban LGBT everywhere.  And this campaign - even, "don't say gay," was all very expert.  And planned.  And paid for, from on high.

Meanwhile, the massive financial corporations, like Blackrock, who mainly represent the long-term interests of the conspiring elites, coerced Disney into sort-of feeding into this moralistic frenzy.  Disney began putting out inappropriate kiddie movies, and supporting the, "anti-don't-say-gay," campaign.  Doing everything it could to suddenly become ultra-woke.  Because this is what the elites want.  It is a divide-and-conquer strategy.

The consequence was that Florida took away Disney's "manifest destiny" land rights in Florida, because, remember, corporations are not supposed to act like kings and queens?  Then Disney's CEO was replaced - I think the previous guy was reseated - what's his name?  And, of course, Disney suffered hugely in profits.

Why would Disney have gone through all that, knowing full well that, to do so, would cause it financial problems?  Aren't corporations supposed to, ultimately, make money, so they can survive, if not thrive?

Well, it's not much of a problem when these craporations - especially their CEOs - are promised mansions, and Ambassadorships, and future profits up the kazoo, and a nice comfy seat at the New World Order Zoo.

There is also a strategy called stake-holder capitalism, where, usually woke, non-profit-relevant people are required to be added to corporate boards.  This could have been a decent idea, but has - like everything else - been corrupted by the whole, massive, global WEF conspiracy, i.e., cultural and economic coup.  So, what they really want to do is to get the craziest "woke" people to join corporate boards, causing those companies to turn into destructive drones on society, and then financially collapse, themselves.

It's all about attacking THE CULTURE.

Look at Disney.  What is that?  An American institution.

Look at the sports leagues.  What are they?  American institutions.

Look at Anheuser-Bush, (Bud-Light).  What is that?  An American institution.

Look at Fox News.  What is that?  An American media institution.

Look at Target.  What is that?  An American capitalist institution.

Pop music.



Because of the woke advertising campaigns these companies agreed to wage, (or other woke moves), they suddenly found themselves loosing  billions of dollars in profits and stock - palm-forehead!  Duh!!

Of course they knew that this was going to happen - or at least their vampiric CEOs knew it - the ones who had been bought off like politicians.

But those greedy traitors are more interested in the money and power promised and delivered to them from on high, now and forever, amen.

While there is good news that more and more people and companies are turning against the corporate-credit-score system of "ESGs" which the giant financial institutions have been placing on corporations, forcing them to go woke, or not receive various benefits - the system is still working, on many other greed-driven corporations, as they had on Disney, and the like.

And, there is the fact, often considered unfortunate, that corporations are actually required, by charter, not to go broke - but to make money.  This means that members of corporate boards who crash their companies could be sued, (in some states).  If not, at least those corporations could be fined.  Theoretically.

But, again, all those billions - trillions - of dollars being dangled over their heads is a serious, irresistible temptation.  And so, especially by the media, and teachers unions, and political organisations, the go-woke messaging will continue to be propagated.  And normal people will continue to be manipulated towards a kind of blind, moralistic mass psychosis.

The ultimate aim, being, the collapse of the entire culture, society and economy.

All the woke stuff that people yammer about, like clowns in drag shoving their private parts in the faces of young students, and so on, is a deliberate diversion, tactic of division, and a means of cultural degradation.  AND A WASTE OF TIME~!  Because most people realise it's all just bullshit.  Even lots of TS people.  And blacks.  And environmentalists.  And liberals.  Once you see what is going on - that the movements of well-intentioned people have been hijacked - you cannot unsee the reality of it.  If you like yourself, and want to be honest with yourself.  Instead of being a tool of some manic group somewhere in the spectrum of identity politics, i.e., of actual racism, sexism, fascism, etc.

If you want to go broke, as a human being, and in your environment, then, by all means, take the bait.  Contribute to problem.  Usher in the decline of what once stood as the lamp of liberty, enlightening the better part of human nature, around the globe.

For many people, it is easy enough just to see that wokism is a failed, broken ideology, in and of itself.  But, many people still want to stand against racism, sexism, homophobia, meat, climate change, etc., and so they allow themselves to continue to be snookered into thinking that they are serving noble purposes, and being altruistic, and caring very much.  But they are actually serving the purposes of very dark forces.  And so, the more these people participate in the rising denial, the more dangerous they can become, to themselves and others.  Very sad.

Look at how peace-lovers have supported the criminal war in Ukraine.

Not to mention, so many people are full of clot-shot crap, causing them to lose mental capacity, health, and energy.

I am telling you, the war against us has been ALL VERY EXPERT.

They have had all the money in the world, to buy up politicians, to put into psychological research, to spend on toxic "vaccine" and pandemic campaigns, and so on.

But it is all short-term.  And false promises. And false idols.  Nothing good is going to come of this.

BTW - my brain (and heart) has been so messed up.  Another day of not being able to work outside, because of this alone.  Meanwhile, idiot neighbours wage their passive-aggressive war against their idea of me - against the false images in their heads.  Like obedient slaves.  In a vast conspiracy of well-funded narcissism, with psychopathic overtones.

Here's a few Monty Python things, in keeping with recent posts.  And these will be followed by a great, bug, dump of links on WOKE...



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Note: (might be added later)...

Monty Python Commie Quiz

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TAG for Monty Python

John Cleese answers audience questions with Eric Idle at Live Talks Los Angeles

8 Year Old Short Predicted Insanity Of Woke Equity Based Education System: Modern Educayshun

WATCH: Cops Spring Into Action When Fed-Up Citizen Confronts Climate Terrorists

Tucker Carlson: They're telling us to shut up about this - YouTube

Suit accuses Portland of violating ADA by allowing homeless camps to block sidewalks | Daily Mail Online

Las Vegas public official 'cut up his clothes in attempt to destroy evidence', police say | Daily Mail Online

And the Left seems to not want any of it ... - BTRIPP - LiveJournal

When a man with a pistol shows up outside a congresswoman’s house - The Washington Post

White House ripped for calling 2016 presidential election stolen - YouTube

Cotton To Wray: Did Biden DOJ Instruct You Not To Arrest Supreme Court Justices' Home Protesters? - YouTube

MSNBC guest slammed for new racism claim - YouTube

‘Extremism That Threatens The Very Foundations Of Our Republic’: Biden Calls Trump Out By Name - YouTube

WOKE journalism - Activists employed as propagandists opinion influencers by globalist mainstream. - YouTube

Woke Oberlin College *Finally* Pays Out Full $36 Million Owed to Family Bakery It Slandered as Racist

Liberal Hypocrisy is Fueling American Inequality. Here’s How. | NYT Opinion - YouTube

Melissa Chen on Fighting Wokeness at Home and Radicalism Abroad - YouTube

madman101 | “The narcissism of small differences leads to the most boring conformity.”

New School Board Members Immediately Ban Critical Race Theory In First Meeting After Election | The Daily Caller

Maryland School Silent After Video Shows Students Inappropriately Touching In Suspended Trans Teacher’s Classroom | The Daily Caller

Libs of TikTok on Twitter: "This disturbing footage is reportedly from a classroom in Pasadena, Maryland. The classroom is a designated “LGBTQ safe space” run by a transgender teacher where students can come whenever they want throughout the day to hang out. More on this story shortly https://t.co/9CDxQ1dyQn" / Twitter

COVID Disproportionately Killed Men Despite Media Focus On Health Inequities | The Daily Caller

REPORT: Gay Rights Activist Found Dead Inside Metal Box Left On Roadside In African Country

Residents Of Liberal City Neighborhood Protest Shelter For Migrants

Lawmakers Are Still Using TikTok After Voting To Ban It On Federal Government Devices

Dem Lawmakers Say They Worry Their Republican Colleagues Could Shoot Up Congress

Civil War Looms Over The Left: Pink-Haired Activists Vs. Filthy Rich Oligarchs

The Left Is Using Your Own Money To Force You To Be Woke, But Certain States Aren’t Letting Them | The Daily Caller

WOW! Teenager Destroys Woke Agenda In Schools With Jaw-Dropping Speech

Deranged Liberal Lead Juror!

Elon Musk Just EXPOSED Klaus Schwab & World Economic Forum.. - YouTube

Kim Iversen: Elon Musk BLASTS World Economic Forum's ESG Social Score. Bill Gates TOPS The List - YouTube

Woke Culture Is Modern Maoism Taylor Made To Destroy The West

PS - There is more to this whole picture. You may want to ask yourself, "Why would so MANY people, and companies, and institutions, and governments, go along with such a massive, coordinated scheme to harm humanity? Through wokism and other devices? Even if everybody is being given easy money for it, and lots of glory from co-corrupt peers, still - WHY WOULD THIS EVEN BE HAPPENING?!?!"

There's an answer to that. More than one. But big ones.

corruption, woke supremacism, politics - democrats in denial, woke teachers, monty python

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