Radar screen says..

May 04, 2023 16:11

Another day of no success.  Went south instead of outside.  CreepS next-door playing more games, proving that this is all they have been doing from the start.  Same as my siblings, starting off with me as the problem, expecting praise for promises - to which I hadn't even agreed.  And what they delivered was conspiracy little different to that of the WEF.  It's all the same mind think.  When I was a kid, I thought people - society - would grow out of this insane, inane narcissistic behaviour.  I watched as my siblings went backwards, instead of forwards.  And now the rest of society is living in my past, the dark ages.  Backwards and blaming and reacting and imitating and seeking attention and demanding and insinuating and blah blah blah. Lies, power, denial, control, control, control.  Everything my sister once said she decried in abusive people, she has become.  And all the other siblings hold hands and jump with her into this same pit.  And it's all my fault.  From day one.  What is wrong with these people?  They're like animals.

Separate topic...  When people put their ends (and means) before other people's ends and means, this is unethical.  It's usually the same thing as rationalising that a "good" end justifies bad ends, such as abusing people.  Being mean.  And, in most religions and moralities, this behaviour is wisely frowned upon as being not merely unethical, but immoral.  Like usury was once considered.  Of course, institutions and mores have established it so, over many years.  But how did the unethical really first become the immoral?  It became so when individuals felt naturally abused, or psychologically abused.  It was an inherent sense - that the numbers being played were unfair and hurtful.  And society, mature enough to feel empathy for individuals, and generalise their feelings and attitudes more widely, called this pain from the unethical, "immorality."  This violation of assumed - self-evident - rights.  In other words, psychological feelings are what originally turned ethics into, "morality."  That required some degree of respect.  No respect, no morality.

Along with my continuing CFS+ symptoms, which just haven;t been clearing, has been the pain in my left thumb, caused by an injury a few years ago - a ripped tendon or something.  I recently changed the little "table" underneath my laptop, as I type on my couch-bed.  It's higher than the last one, and doesn't allow my left hand proper movement.  So, this has been helping make that pain grow, and it's in my left index finger now.  Painful when I type.  Why am I not recovering?  Day after day.  It's driving me nuts.

PS - Hypothesis is that eggs are causing my dog's right eye to swell up.  If so, that will be one more thing I can't feed him.  He didn;t poop at all today, and possibly only once or nonce yesterday, so he got very little to eat today, but that included three eggs, and now his eye is flaring up.  He's probably full of the spike protein as well.  OK - I should do the post on bloodclots soon...

ends before means, my cfs diary (2023)

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