
May 04, 2023 22:41

I am reposting bits here, regarding narcissist next-door, to another LJ.  In this post, the subject of gunshots is covered.  I have more posts to add, over there, but it is late and I musts to beds....

I am reposting some past observations and complaints regarding the nuisance neighbour next-door.  Some of these posts may touch on common behavioural patterns of narcissists, a subject I have studied for years.  Narcissism is the psychological foundation of all psychopathy.  Basically, narcissists believe they have a right to other people's lives; they are invested in controlling, manipulating and punishing; they are deceptive, they assume relationships or intentions where they do not exist, they assume The Other is a priori wrong, or the problem, and so on.  This post only concerns the subject of gunshots heard in front of my home, several times, especially earlier on, not so much lately.  The subject to whom I refer may or may not be involved in these shootings, but has shown a vast history of other attempts to intimidate.

2021.12.13 at 08:03
On Saturday (12/11), at about 12:11pm, there were very loud assault rifle gunshots outside my front window. Seven blasts in succession, but not automatic rapid-fire, with each one ending with a definite close, before the next one began - hard to describe. Very powerful, like artillery.

The interesting thing is that I had earlier thought about the possibility of bullets coming right through the front wall and hitting me while in bed - and thinking how I should put up some kind of barrier, if I could ever get around to it. Because nowhere is safe.

Right after these occurred, I heard two bangs of doors, or such, from the guy next door. Maybe he was the shooter, or maybe he was investigating, or maybe something else. Maybe he thinks I am the shooter. If it was him, it would comport to very recent possible odd behaviour from him, reacting to me. And, before my dog's chain was unfastened, allowing my dog to run away, the same guy was out that night sitting at a fire in his pit, in the dark, ignoring me as I took in my dog. So, who knows.

Then, a wide-hipped woman walked a dog from his corner to near this house and then turned and went back - I thought it was his girlfriend walking their dog, as usual, or as a statement.

I don't know. It could just be random and have nothing to do with me. But, you know, guns - kinda says err on the side of 'paranoia', doesn't it? The fact is that there is the same sort of reactivity from males around here as there was in the other city, it's just of a different flavour. There, certain people went out of their way to try to scare me, as a way of establishing territory/dominance, and my response was, broadly speaking, just to SING. And so it goes.

Getting onto some kind of schedule has involved lots of CFS problems. Biggest problem is increase of insidious brain inflammation. Presently have migraine. Have been watching movies, though, which sometimes are good at making me able to sleep.

Yesterday, that Spaniel-type dog, associated with gunshots and domestic abuse, appeared again, standing doggedly in front of the house across the street, barking at something far off, and then he ran home. That house belongs to the man who seems to be a problem - but who, all of the sudden, has a "For Sale" sign up. Maybe he was the one who set of the gunshots, probably hitting my tree, in a blaze of glory.

(This posts gets more complicated/analytical).

I hate when people get the impression that I am stand-offish, or whatever. But, there have been explosions and gunshots, and I don't know if this guy is responsible, while patterns suggest he might be. But that's not the reason I was not eager to pursue any convo with him - it was because I am in the throes of migraine. ...

Jan 3, 2022 - (more of this post may be posted above/later).
To recap, there have been gunshots and bangs and shouts, coming from who knows where. Not a lot, but very close, and they show patterns resembling the sorts of inane, territorial, "retaliations," I knew so well in my last neighbourhood. They seem to be coming from the guy next door, with the husky. To add, there seems to be the same stupid male competition using loud sounds and machines like leaf blowers, saws, snow-blowers, etc. The louder the better. After my first fast shovelling in front of this house, the guy next door was out at about 8:am, with his very loud blower, looking in this direction, and going well past where I had shovelled. Then, there were husky tracks all over, right up to the side of this house. So, yeah, this guy already looks like he has narcissistic traits, if not worse.

2022.01.10 at 17:56
Around 10:am, guy next door took his dog alongside the house again. Part of the reason why my dog is nuts lately is that he has scented her when he goes outside. Son of a bitch. He brings the dog onto the property. He most likely stole the table. He most likely was the one who unfastened my dog lead, leading to my dog running away. He was probably the one who set off the gunfire nearby. And so on. I am going to contact some people, including the police. I still have days when I can get things done. Unfortunately, here is yet another issue I must spend time on.

Jan 19, 2022
My police scanner is on 24/7. There are occasionally interesting calls, like overdose cases being brought in, with them screaming in the background. BYW - four gunshots occurred nearby, not long after my dog had been outside, staring in the same direction; and soon after I had looked out my front door for the batteries. Doing that involved turning the switch for my outdoor lights, so the front light turns back on again. Maybe some idiot assumes I am flashing lights at them, etc. Anyway, gunshots around here don't ever seem to be called into the police. I have called any in, so far.

Calls on the police scanner sometimes come in waves. Sometimes, people get sick all at once. Currently, there are a lot of calls about 28 year-old females, mostly getting ill or overdosing. 27-29. I wonder what's up with that. A recent medical call went to an address I believe belongs to a large family I knew via a buddy in HS. Not sure if this med report had anything to do with that address, but: "96 year old mother believes her daughter is poisoning her... Second patient is the 39 year old daughter who has been throwing up..." Some families are just whack.

Oct 10, 2022
So, at about (9:30 am, this morning, he started up with his extremely loud lawn edger, not far off. On a Sunday morning. His gf was out with their dog, and they were making a kind of party out of it. I have seen this behaviour before. She gets angry about something she sees me do, such as putting up a no-trespassing sign, and then she eggs him on into his retaliations, and comes outside defiantly, flaunting, proving, etc.

This time, they were retaliating about me putting up the signs, which were partly meant to ward them off of this lot, with their garbage, lawn mower, etc. But they were also meant for all the other people coming through. So, after they had their little annoying party, they went back inside, probably had their sex, and never came out again. Today, he will probably come out and mow into this property, feeling emboldened, once again. It's an addiction. A sickness. And they practice the same psychology I wrote about concerning idiots in the last town:

They assume that I am not disabled, and therefore am a terrible human being. But, since they also assume that I am disabled, they feel free to fuck with me. It's like when society identified so-called witches, and then hung them, or set them afire, or whatever they did. The mob assumes the women are witches, and therefore horrible human beings. But they simultaneously assume that they are vulnerable, and so they feel free to kill them. It's the same thing that compels a dog to chase a rabbit.

In human society, it usually requires some kind of social sanction, otherwise it is considered a crime. Just as war is fine but murder is not. In the case of these idiots next door, they get their social sanction both through self-referential sex, and through loud, outstanding gossip with their idiot neighbour friends.

Anyway, they put their yard bags back behind this lot again.

I was not the only person they annoyed. Someone fired off 8 loud gunshots tonight, around midnight. Very nearby. And then a car drove off. I am going with the hypothesis that the person who did this was one of the guys across the street. After police had done rolling through with their lights and their donuts, some guy could be seen walking outside. In fact, it sounded like he was right between this house and Narcissist House at one point.

The other hypothesis is that it was the whatever idiots who come through here with their firecrackers.

The third hypothesis is that narcissist guy actually fired the shots, as a way to top-off his insistence that he is the alpha male of the neighbourhood, and has every right to use this property, and such, since I am, after all, a terrible human being. Might makes right. The logic of the narcopath. But, I don't really see that, although it is possible. I don't really care.

After the incident, my dog started getting whiny. And then he wanted to go outside. And then he wouldn't come inside. Now, his stomach might be messed up. So we might not be able to do the walk, planned for this morning...

Oct 13 2022 - exactly a year after another shooting(!)
About 1:45 (cst), rapid gunshots out front of my house, totalling about 35 rounds. The stream of bullets was in a musical fashion, which indicates that this was a semi-automatic weapon. Also an act of defiant bravado, not just to scare, but to prove dominance. Could have been narcissist guy, (again?). Could have been some other damn fool. Angry about me walking my dog, or something stupid. Or, having to do with anger at narcissist guy, or some squabble going between who-knows. There was a car with a loud stereo nearby, earlier today. Maybe it was that person, or maybe ot was someone retaliating against that person>

10-14-22 - (The next day ....)
I was really hoping to work outside, today, but was too ill. The gunshots had contributed to this, especially in my dog, who's stomach problems lead to him walking about, getting needy, etc. And this kept me awake, preventing me from gaining enough health to take on the day. Even after a quick nap, finally, I continued to have heart pain from the shock of the loud shots. Etc. At least the 4-5 days of painful frontal/brain strain seems to have ended. I am having not to feed the dog, at all, today.

Why is dog ill?
1 - Long walk the other day, plus this morning's walk was apparently too soon.
2 - Had a chicken bone some days ago.
3 - The gunshots, disrupted sleep.
4 - Maybe he ate something bad outside.
5 - Contagious nervousness / activity

Jan 1, 2023
Plenty of gunshots last night. In fact, more gunshots than fireworks. I don't know if narco next-door took part, probably. I was too invested in sleeping. I somehow managed to get through the noise.

gunshots! / gun shots (idk), narcissist next-door

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