I do believe that many more people are going to die form the COVID vaccines. At some point, people are going to get very angry that they have been lied to and are now dying like poisoned guinea pigs. And this is why governments have been preparing for the backlash, with giant detention centres, killer robots, the next pandemic, and so on. Before famous medical scientist, Dr. Luke Montagnier died, he stated that we needed to be ready to cremate the bodies. Here is a lady who says 3 billion could die.
And here is more than an hour of discussion. From a month ago. I have not seen "
Died Suddenly" yet, partly because I have been overwhelmed and saddened by what I've already learnt. [Listened to it while writing this...].
HERE'S THE DOCUMENTARY, "DIED SUDDENLY," WATCH FOR FREE ON RUMBLE. Here's some of what I've written on the dangers of the vaccines. This post is an attempt to piece together various trends, facts or conspiracy theories into one Big Picture of what is actually happening to our world at the moment - and how it has developed and might develop. It is a simplified, theoretical worst case scenario. It is not an extended argument, documentation or proof. You might look elsewhere in this journal for more substance. You may also read about related trends at
o_c_c_u_p_y and
New readers might be dismissive of the general discussion here - wildly unscientific, fantasmic, craziness. My more established readers know that this is not the only thing I do. My posts range from precise science, to deep philosophical enquiry, to exploration of other strong research, facts and phenomena. And, I do creative writing, since I do put value in the free-flow of associations by the mind.
To begin, some more about the vaccines, per se.
These mRNA vaccines were produced and propagated under the production of the declaration of an emergency. To make COVID look more like an emergency, deaths and illnesses by other causes were classified as deaths by COVID. Doctors and hospitals were paid vast amounts of money to increase the number of patients they defines as having, or falling from, COVID-19. Lockdowns, known to be countre-productive, were instituted. And so on.
Most importantly, alternate therapies, like ivermectin, zinc, vitamin D, and so on, were actively denied and suppressed. The now-collapsed corrupt corporation, FTX, paid for false studies towards these ends. The primary reason these alternate therapies were quashed was because, under law, emergency treatments must be stopped when it is shown that alternate therapies are available. Thus, allowing alternate therapies would not just mean a cutting-off of the great mRNA cash-flow for big pharma companies, it would stop the widespread dissemination of these vaccines, which are toxic.
Stopping them would mean that the door they opened for big pharma, to now enter the vast uncharted and lucrative territory of applied mRNA and CRISPR research, investment and medicine, would close. That would be a great disappointment to bureaucrats and researchers who liked their big houses, some of whom have followed in the footsteps of NAZI researchers.
The drug companies are not required to divulge the ingredients in these vaccines. In their public info releases and documents, they do not list all the ingredients. Normally, conventional vaccines already contain questionable adjuvants and preservatives, like aluminium and mercury, both of which some, (see RFK Jr.), have said may cause prionic illnesses and autism. As noted in
anti_viral, although the adjuvant, graphene oxide, is denied as being an ingredient, it has been found in all four mRNA vaccines.
Graphene oxide is an electro-magnetic reactive, crystalline metal patented for wide use in vaccines. Dr. Montagnier and others found evidence that this metal can react in the body and cause serious problems. Excited by, e.g., 5G waves, it alters configuration and cut into body tissue. I don't know if it can cross the blood-brain barrier, but my hunch is that it does.
Another common adjuvant in vaccines is related to snake or snail venom. This toxin is said to have been found in the mRNA COVID vaccines. Snake venom depletes the body of zinc and leads to some symptoms similar to those seen in COVID/vaccine illnesses. Also said to be in these vaccines are DNA strands of the rabies and HIV viruses. Some vaccinated people have consequently tested positive for rabies or AIDS.
It has been common that supporters of the pharmaceutical companies have asserted that these mRNA vaccines are not developments of genetic engineering. However, in the very research and literature of the pharmaceutical companies, the mRNA vaccines are described as having been created by genetic engineering. It is more correct to say that these are not actually vaccines, by definition, but are genetic therapies. They alter RNA in the body so that it produces the coronavirus spike protein, alone and unattached to a virus. It is therefore capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier, and that's exactly what it does. The protein has been proved to be capable of shedding from vaccinated people to unvaccinated people, causing COVID-like symptoms.
This genetically active protein has been proved to remain in the blood for 180 days or more - far longer than originally touted.
Whether it is this spike protein, (which is most likely), or the graphene oxide, or other some other toxin or virus strand in the vaccine fluid, something appears to be attacking blood and artery cell walls and evoking an immune response, but without the presence of many blood platelets. Instead, fibrin is present. Proteins are being bent into amyloid proteins, like those found in Alzheimer's and other prionic diseases, causing plaque to build up. Since there is not much inflammation occurring, people do not feel pain rising, and simply die or collapse swiftly from strokes, neurological events, heart attacks, cardiomyopathy, and etc.
If the free-floating spike protein is acting as a virtual prion, then its easy shedding to other human beings portends a prionic pandemic of apocalyptic per portions, and we don't know yet how deep into the animal kingdom this might reach. If true.
The evidence has clearly demonstrated, in all countries and populations where vaccinations have been widespread, an unprecedented increase in miscarriages, (about (80%), death by circulatory failures, and other seemingly unrelated events. These are not occurring in COVID populations, but in vaccinated populations. There have been extensive attempts not only to cover up this information, but to encourage yet further vaccinations and booster shots. The spike protein has been said to interfere with a crucial protein which protects against cancer. An up-tick in cancer deaths has also been seen. This area deserves more investigation.
There are two important questions calling for consideration here.
1 - Is it possible that the vaccines are causing these problems?
2 - Is it possible that at least some people knew about the dangers of these vaccines, and pushed for their propagation deliberately, in order to cause mass health failures?
The answer to number one seems quite clearly yes. But, even if the answer is not yes, the probability is certainly within the realm of possibility, and deserves serious, extensive consideration.
The answer to number two is more elusive or shifty. No one wants to believe that this was a, "plandemic," executed in order to depopulate the planets. Most people will want to go with the idea that governments and companies and cabals just wanted to stop a spreading virus, but ended up pushing vaccines which only made things much worse. They were just humans, making mistakes.
So, to answer this second question, we need to theorise: Is is within the realm of possibility that a plandemic could have actually been executed deliberately? I would not have said so, only a few years ago. Now I do believe that, yes, it is well within the possible that nefarious agents have colluded to try to kill off millions, or billions of people. And I entertain this possibility after studying trends and information coming from, not only the vaccination programmes and politics themselves, but from other directions in reality. Vectors most people would not piece together in their heads - but that AI might be able to spot. Because, if this nightmare scenario did occur, (is occurring), it occurred partly by the use of AI in the first place.
So, what are these other directions, other trends, other hypotheses - other conspiracy theories? Well, this is where we get to the fantastical conjecturing I mentioned at the beginning of this post. And it looks like I will be saving that for a part two to this apparently two-part series. So, stay tuned for that!
Just one more little side topic. I've been wanting to discuss this phenomenon for months, now. There are countless instances of vaccinated people, suddenly acting as if someone is watching, and then attacking, them. The victims spin around, as if watching this attacker, and collapse, often in convulsions, as if trying to fight, through gripping paralysis. Apparently, most of these victims quickly die - but I don't know if they all die.
I have found this horrible phenomenon to be fascinating in a cosmic, mythical way. (I use these words because, "symbolic," just doesn't say it strngly enough). It appears that these victims are encountering some evil demon, in their minds or spirits - or even the Grim Reaper himself, against which they are powerless. As if they see death coming at them, and then they die. As if they have some great, super-normal revelation - of something way beyond what we assume is reality, and it strikes them to the core.
I have said that this is almost as if the genetically active, artificial and independent spike protein ganged up in the body, grossly, en masse, as one single, alien life form. If you think about it, it is a new, alien life form. As such, it would want to survive and reproduce. By a very unnatural approach.
Since it is entirely outside of the intricate web of natural evolution, and since it may have been created by evil people, it may arise as a spectre of evil to these victims, rising up and devouring their souls. This is just an imaginative allegory, but who knows if it might not be veritable?
An important thing I have learnt is that there are usually - actually always - not only more than one explanation for anything that happens, but more than one cause - like the colours that comprise one beam of white light. And so, the discussion below does not necessarilly negate the more mystical take presented above.
When I induced myself to experience visual hallucinations, (which also became audio during sleep/dreaming), I noticed at least two things. 1 - A circular "screen" for the hallucination floated up and off to the right in my "visual field." This was difficult to view directly. Instead, it was off-centre. I could try to chase it with my central focus - like trying to chase a floater in one's eye - but this was impossible, as it always slipped away further. I could only see particulars in the hallucination by using a slightly peripheral part of my vision.
2 - Nothing changed in the hallucination unless I looked away, and then back at it. I understood this phenomenon to be directly related to the nature of quantum reality itself, as relates to observation and time.
Therefore, it would be entirely understandable that, if these victims experienced hallucinations of similar dynamics, they might attempt to chase the spectres, but with no final success. Thus the pointing and the spinning around. In parallel, these victims also found no final success in remaining alive.
It is generally the left, temporal lobe of the brain which is associated with feelings and experiences of alienation from, or disruptions of, reality. Although other parts of the brain, such as the parietal would be involved, a left hemisphere-related visual hallucination should present more in the right field of vision, thus the spinning, usually to the right. In left-handed people, the spinning would probably more often be to the left. This is testable hypothesis.
It is possible that the spike protein or graphene oxide, or the combination, has an affinity for the temporal lobe of the brain, as does the underrated human herpes virus 6. Or it may be that the vaccine agent works in concert with HHV6. Or, it maybe be that the agent affects the brain globally, but that the vasculature in the temporal lobe is such that disruptions are more likely to arise there, producing neurological or ischemic events.
As mentioned earlier, a build-up of low-inflammatory amyloid plaque would likely produce no warning sign of danger until a stroke or seizure finally, suddenly occurred. And, this plaque is a prionic development, which would have dementia-like effects but, since these is so much of it, with much greater or more sudden intensity.
It is also possible that graphene oxide would disrupt electrical signalling in the brain, especially when subjected to very high frequency electromagnetic waves. It is not recognised that almost all videos of victims being hit by these horrid attacks have one thing in common: They are all on "video," and so many were in the presence of WiFi radiation. This may or may not be a correlation, but it is important to mention.
See you in the tin-foil-hat Part Two!
This is being xposted at
anti_viral and
unreality_check. You can research online more on these topics. There are a lot of "fact-checkers" out there, throwing up roadblocks, some of which I have found to be quite unscientific.