The Day Begins...

Nov 25, 2022 06:50

I've had it in my head to go to Walmart before the month ends.  I need to spend a $200 gift card which I have been holding onto for a year.  In that time, it's value has decreased due to inflation.  So I want to spend it and put an end to the hemorrhaging.  If I can't spend it on coins then the next best thing is to spend it on stuff I already plan to buy, like a mixer/blender.  Why I am supposed to go before the end of the month, IDK, but it probably has something to do with Black Friday sales?

Why do I want a blender?  The soul reason is because I want to make fire logs out of paper, and a high-power blender will help me do that, seemingly.  I also wanted a super-strong meat-grinder so I could crunch up dangerous chicken bones for my dog, but I don't need that as much, now that he is eating canned food and fish.  But the turkey bones still loom threateningly.

I wish I would stop making the same typos over and over again.  Like I do this "can;t" instead of this "can't".  Must be this new little laptop.  Which is fine otherwise, except memory is so low, I need to keep dumping files and programmes just so bastard MS can update with its useless files, like backgrounds I never need.  More and more, users are disallowed from deleting files, like IE, etc.  And use MS in the clouds instead of own computer offline.  I hate MS.  And Bill Gates.  Wozniak is great and looks like one of the Wild Things.

Be sure to read my latest posts at madmandreamtime.  I expect to do some posts to various communities, too, which you can find when when you look at your friends-of-friends page, which you might not have if you are not a paying LJ user, although who pays for LJ these days?  We are benefitting from bloodshed in Ukraine in this way, aren't we?  Hmmm.

I have an eyegraine after drinking wine for Thanksgiving.  I wanted to drink wine on Thanksgiving because I had had some witch hazel a few days earlier and I enjoyed that so much I decided to be bold and drink some more, despite how deeply fatigued I've been.  And the wine turned out not to make me very drunk, lol.  But I get an eyegraine anyway.  I always want sex the day after wine, which is a bother.

I discovered that I had saved a container of tea in my freezer, for some reason.  So, I used that in making the stuffing, and boiling the giblings, which will become gravy.  I also used some of it in making my decaf mocha this morning.  And somehow my decaf mocha is very good, almost sweet for some reason.

I am hoping that the narcissist next-door minds his own business, maybe goes shopping, and does not touch the wood in his fire-pi todayt.  I still want to write to the community cop about him, but I really don;t feel like working on that today.  I usually don't feel like doing much at all, the day after drinking.

Hopefully my dog will be good today.  I'll go out with him in a few hours to check for invasive chicken legs.

The text above is what my father would have referred to as, "blather,"

I cna blather just as well as the next guy.

Can I get a witness?

Have a nice weekend, y'alls.

Eat grits.

They'll make you look like Bigfoot.

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For your f-o-f page, replace my username with yours..

holidays - thanksgiving, my day, music - moody blues

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