Jun 07, 2022 06:42

Notice how Biden, et al, just keep blaming other people for their own messes?  Greedy oil companies are to blame for gas prices being $5 more than they were during Trump.  When, in fact, Biden handed over USA oil sovereignty to Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela.  Greedy baby formula companies were to blame for the baby formula crisis - and then there were a bout 5 other explanations.  When meat prices went up, it was because of greedy meat companies.  Inflation is all because of Putin, not the trillions upon trillions that Dems threw into the economy.  And, of course, China is to blame for nothing, including any possibility of a lab leak.

Often, it's the American people who are to blame, because they use too much electricity, or don't wear masks, or vote the wrong way.  "Come on, man!"

Last week, they narrowed it down to President Biden's staff as being (the latest) problem.  Biden complained that they just kept changing everything he said, even though everything he said was messed up, if not dangerous.  Like when he tells people we will retaliate against Russia or China but then his handlers have to walk that back, and then it is his handlers who are to blame.  Ever notice?  He is never to blame - for anything!  He is always right!  Now, what does that remind you of?!  That's right - the narcissist.  Although, the way he has treated workers and unions, and protestors in WDC, and immigrants at the border, makes me think it is very possible that he is also a psychopath.  Or, it would be, if he could actually think straight.  But, being an idiot is part of the game.

"Is Biden's WHite House Really Adrift?"
(Actually, Biden is incompetent).

Meanwhile, you've got Putin insistent that he is right, and he will keep it up even if he is backed into a bunker, which spells doom for you and me.  And Xi and the Central Committee think they are always right, torturing Uyghurs and all.  What sad, sad victims they all are.  Everyone is out to get them.  Or, I think they should be, by now.

Did you know that there is a convoy of immigrants headed for our SW border which is currently street-wide and 30 miles long?  By the time it gets to that town in Mexico where they claimed border guards where white supremacist slave-whippers, there will be more new illegal immigrants than town residents.  That included small and too big percentages of people with COVID, people with monkey pox, people with fentinol from China, people who spy for China, people with sex slaves, people with mental illnesses, people with anger issues, people with connextions to various terrorists groups in the Middle East, people looking for free jobs, phones, money, housing, Biden T-shirts, etc.  And I think they are still blaming this hemorrhaging on Trump, somehow.  Even as they fly them into Jacksonville, NYC, etc., at 4:am

Why can't we have convoys of people rushing in to stop all this bullshit?  No, everyone is succumbing to the new fascism, forced to give up their personal info and their freedoms, patted down, tamped down, isolated and insulted, and separated into this or that blameable group.  It's your fault that Biden is the Victim in Chief!  If you voted for Trump, then you are part of the January 6th INSURRECTION!  Which is the cause of all problems.

And, as the corporate, and the legislatures, obsess over this imaginary coup, do they look into the other REAL issues and problems?  Like the expansion and bellicosity of China?  Like rampant mental illness in this country?  Like the real causes - and solutions - of inflation?  Like the crimes of the Clintons, like the boondoggling of trillions during the COVID pandemic, like the illegalities of the Russia-gate conspiracy, of the Bidens' connexions to China and Russia, of the massive amount of money being spent on undermining the sovereignty of this country and its citizens?  How about the many ways the 2020 election was in FACT rigged?  No - it is all a sham, and a cover-up.  Protecting the ruling elites.

"There's no evidence!  There's no evidence!  There's no evidence!"

This Thursday, at 7:pm Central, all three corporate media TV nets will be airing propaganda. This will be a live documentary of the sham January 6 hearings, created FOR the Democrat party, trying to convince the public that the January 6 incident was THE PROBLEM of ALL PROBLEMS.   And, if anyone disagrees with this propaganda, specifically any POTENTIAL DONERS TO NON-DEMOCRATS, then you will be intimidated, shadow-banned, shut out, what have you.  Just as they waged campaigns of intimidation in front of the White House in 2020, in front of hundred of public buildings in 2020, in front of SCOTUS regarding the Texas suit regarding the 2020 election, in front of SCOTUS members homes regarding Roe vs Wade, and so on.  Because they are the party of violence, threats, cheating and blame.  Everyone else is the problem.  Not them.  Because they are pure of heart, i.e., they deserve to get what they want.

I don't care what party this kind of shit is coming from.  I am not supporting it.  From 2013 to 2021, I was fine doing comepletely without a TV.  Now that I've spent a few months, catching up, I will have no problem deleting any network or chanel that airs this propganda documentary.  I am done with it.  The only way to deal with narcissists is to cut them out of your lives completely.

Meanwhile, China is preparing its massive economy to switch into WAR MODE, over Taiwain and, assumedly, with the West.  We are not doing a damn thing about this.  In fact, the media, memebers of Congress, special interest groups, are recieving MONEY from and FAVOURS from China, insuring that they will DISSUADE us from ever considering doing anything about this.  But, if you haven't seen it by now, the Democrats - the poor victims who are always right OR ELSE - say they will bring great peace and love to your planet, (aka, "love-bombing"), but they just keep leaving a MESS of everything.  And this war with China, which will likely end up as a world war involving Russia, will be just one more mess that we chose to overlook.  By that time, yes, it will have been our fault.

BTW - Proud Boys, like Oath Keepers, started as, and remain, groups asserting it is fine and good to be proud of American values.  They have nothing to do with white supremacism or racism.  The leader of Proud Boys is a Hispanic Black.  And they had nothing to do with trying to start any kind of violent "insurrection."  Quite the opposite.  And it is usually the school and supermarket shooters who end up being the white supremacists and "AUTHORITARIAN LEFT."  It is BLM, the Squad, and many of the far left who have been antisemitic.  DOCUMENTED.  And the so called, "violent insurrection," of January 6, involved only one actually death by violece, which was that of a female military veteran who was shot in th neck, and killed, by a security police officer who happened to be black.  And no further info on that incident was released to the public.  Hundreds were jailed, isolated, and without rights.  It's just horrendous that this has happened in America, whether to the right, or to the left.  To whites or to blacks.  To rich or to poor.  There should be convoys up the kazoo about this.

But, the stragedy has been to boil any possible dissent, slowly, slowly, so they don't even know they are being cooked.  That possible dissent has been you and me.

Did you know that June 6th was D-Day?  And Biden once again completely ignored it?  And June 4th was the anniversary of the tragedy at Tienanmen Square.  If you want to see the Left in action, look at how completely innocent people are being set up and/or arrested, in Hong Kong, for doing NOTHING.  Just because everyone now is a potential dissenter.  One woman was arrested for handing out BLANK pieces of paper.  The UK and American Embassies in Hong Kong lit candles in support.  But that's as far as the West will go.  We are doing nothing.  We sent them our jobs, our technology, our capitalism, our industries, and our money for their products, and now they are leading the world, including the USA Dem party towards totalitarianism.  Worse than anything even imagined by Orwell or Huxley.  But, no, it is WHITE SUPREMACISTS that are the problem.

Biden is just a puppet, as the Dems are largely puppets, in a larger, global scheme, mapped out by the likes of Fink and Schwab, to break down the power of the USA, bit by bit, degree by degree, and move their investments over to China.  If this involves world war, so be it.  This is ALWAYS how the elites have managed things - including leading up to WW1 and WW2.  (This is one reason why - although I have evidence - I believe that the war on Ukaine has been by agreement).  Biden has dutifully handed power over to stone age imperialist terrorist in Afghanistan.  He has set us up for failure in Ukraine.  He will dutifully hand over Taiwan to China, without a doubt.  He has set up inflation as a means of dis-empowering the middle class and poor.  He has set up to consequent food and energy crises.  He has set up mayhem and increased Dem voters by letting in MILLIONS at the border.  He may be an idiot, but this is all a PLAN.

And, as a deliberate, global conspiracy, in favour of a China-like world system, (which makes no sense, because the China model is based on parasitism), it has been using China-model tactics to try to get millions of Americans in line and on board.  They have also employed tactics learnt from the 1917 Russian communist revolution, from Lenin and Stalin, and from Hitlerian Germany.  Tamping you down, boiling you slowly, blaming you for BS before you even do anything.  Dividing people into groups.  Set people against each other.  Creating enemies out of straw.  Intimidating decision-makers using threats of violence.  Banning and shadow-banning, blocking information, ostracising, erasing historical symbols, cancelling, shaming, suing, and so on.  It is all mainly based on the China model, which continues to succeed in poor Hong Kong, and it works in favour of China as the central, dominant power of the future.  That is the point of ALL OF THIS.

I'll have much to say about the military expansion and intentions of China later.  (By the way, I live in La Grange Colorado, under the name, "Harrington," and I use Wells Fargo bank and my internet server is Frontier and I walk my dog in the park every night at 8:pm unless it rains, in which case I like to have a mocha at a nearby Starbucks, where everybody knows my name, and likes to make a quick buck.  My medical records are freely available from the local clinic and I am deathly allergic to peanuts).

Whenever the Dems accuse someone of something, they are doing the same thing in private, without fail.  It is a sure as rain.  It's almost stupidly unimaginative, being so predictable.  All you have to do, to focus in on their crimes, is to listen to what they are blaming on other people.  So, this little maneuver, claiming that there was some kind of conspiracy to change the government, on January 6 - it is a way of deflecting attention from the fact that it is they who have been trying to change the government.  They are the insurrection.  From the Propaganda Ministry, to getting Biden elected in the first place, to all of Bidens executive orders, to wanting to pack the Superme court, to wanting to make WDC and Puerto Rico states, to bringing in millions of undocumented potential Dem voters - these are only the tip of the iceberg.  There is so much going on, deeper, involving spies, and money, and artifical intelligence, and lies, and the FBI, and the WEF, and the WHO, and the media - you would never believe it, even if it got so hot that you were on the brink of expiring.

It's too bad that I, long pro-black, and pro-woman, and pro-environment, and pro-justice, etc., have come to the point where I will have nothing more to do with these power-obsessed, lying narcissists.  But I am done with them.  I will call them out, just as I once called out the coporatist Republicans.  Because I cannot turn off my bullshit metre no matter how hard I try.  Maybe I should have agreed to being boiled ever so slowly, but I guess I just missed that train.  I have always had this thinking problem.  That makes ME the problem, doesn't it.  Not Joe Biden.  Not all of these damn psychopaths who can't mind their own business.  Not the cabal of enlightened billionaires who are on a mission to run everyone's life.  Don't blame anyone with money, or with a portfolio of bullshit, or with a record of destroying people.  Don't blame the corrupt bastards you envy.  Just blame the people who want to mind their own business.  And continue to exploit them for the elites.

No, January 6 was neither an insurrection or a conspiracy.  It was a tactical love-bombing by a conspiracy of narcissists.  "Hey!  We love you!  Sure, walk right in!  This building belongs to the people!  Look, we made sure there were almost no barricades put into place!  Step right in!  This SET-UP all belongs to you!  Because you are instantly the PROBLEM again!"

See also posts:
They're Biting Your Time
They Rule By Fear
Comeptition For It's Own Sake

Joe Biden tag

bb - corporate media, countries - china, predictions and prophesies, january 6 'insurgency' / committee, frogs in hot water, lies / lying / liar liars, narcissism - narcissists/ psychopaths, cities - hong kong, politics - democrats in denial, media misinfo campaigns, all * narcissists/ narcissism/ psychopat, biden - joe biden, bb - conspiracies

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