Competition for its own sake. - (Part 1)

May 22, 2022 09:49

Someone who competes only to compete is delusional.  He or she is convinced that there is one set of rules to which the other, the imagined competitor, also adheres.  So, for example, if he or she does not wish to lose - and so lose all - then he or she must quash that opponent before that opponent quashes him or her first, yes?  (Let's just refer to this delusional person as, "The fool")  There are several orders or strata upon which such a fool may stake his (let's just say "his") arena or identity.  That is, there are many games that can be played.

The fool may compete merely to compete within a game of Trivial Pursuit, or within a game of baseball, or within a game of Monopoly, or within a game of Life, or keeping ahead of the Jones'.  But the best games which allow imaginary victories and conquests are those either with imaginary rules or boundaries, or which provide the opportunity of gaining real power and physical force.  Or, fantastical, magical-thinking games of early sibling childhood sorts of games, versus games of real politik, violence, war, mass genocide and all that stuff.  The very interesting thing is that the latter sort of game usually has its genesis in the former sort of game.  This is because magical thinking never weaned only nurtures narcissistic dreams of greater conquest.

Many believe that wars are based on needs for resources, on economic failures, on real threats from other militaries, and so on.  But, actually, wars are more often based on rationalisations of warped, juvenile emotions.  Yes, economic contingencies, and such, are referred to in these rationalisations.  But, really, what is going on is that a foolishly led population throws up its hands, and instead of outright saying that it no longer knows what to do, blames some other country, and justifies "self-defensive" attacks.  It just, basically, carries on its habits of selfishness beyond rationality and into competition just to compete, which generally results in being thrown back into the Stone Age.  Delusional.

Not that it is very germane to this discussion, but I must add a caveat.  War-mongering countries may refer to its economy, to perceived threats, to imaginary affronts, as false rationalisation for its aggressiveness.  But, what it does NOT refer to, or even identify, are the even more subtle causes of its discontent which may indeed be affecting the economy, politics, emotions, and so forth.  And these more subtle causes are things like climate change, food resource shifts, toxins or poisons, radiations, disease, overpopulation, infrastructure   Entropy, superstitious thinking or mythology, or even the movements of the constellations.  This is the unseen "chaos" of the periphery.  And it becomes more and more denied as any fool or nation locks itself into aggressiveness.  Justifying itself by reference to less relevant information.  Even such information as, "You spell your god differently to how we spell our god."  Whatever it takes.  The fact is, aggressiveness is the end in itself, and anything that can justify this is seized upon.  Although, it is not so easy to seize upon something like a 1 degree increase in ambient temperature.

Similarly, competition for its own sake will seize upon the rules of the game in order to rationalise aggressiveness.  (This is just like the id of the psychopath, seizing upon the more refined intelligence of the higher brain,in order to justify his of her own selfishness or aggression).  It's when magical thinking, or selfish superstition, allows aggressive selfishness to rewrite the rules of the game - or to reinterpret the rules of the game - or to make up new rules, change the goal posts, as things proceed - that harm or violence occurs.  The game-playing fool may assume that the other person is playing "World Domination" when in fact that person is trying to play Live-and-Let-Live.  The Fool is Projecting onto the Other, and then trying to force his self-serving rules upon the Other.  But, the sneaky slide from some basic, harmless childhood game into, "Now I have the right to kill you," always proceeded from a basic, narcissistic delusion.  An original mistake of whom the other person actually is or was.  And from an original intention to win by any means.  The logical conclusion of this last concept is to destroy all that is not Self.  (Unless, of course, those people who may facilitate such a mission.  Which manifests in political dynamics serving the Will To Power).

So, the child who excels in, "King of the Mountain," carries forth an ambition to achieve corporate domination as an end - an end justifying means of cheating and hurting others.  Power becomes the end in itself, and so really has no final resolution, in a world of 8 billion people to be dominated, not to mention all the animals and natural forces.  It's insanity.  But, you can see germs of this insanity in many people you might meet, or even know.  They use others as stepping stones.  They assume they are right and entitled about and to everything.  They grow impatient with you if you do not serve their agenda or narrative.  And that includes their, "political surf-boards," which they use to move them along in the direction of their self-concept, or to bash others over the heads.  Unless you are someone to "love-bomb" so they can achieve more power, they start from the premise that you are some kind of a problem, and they work everything, and everyone, towards proving or manifesting that you are some kind of problem.  They will lie, manipulate, back-stab, smear, blame, deprive, isolate, alienate, guilt-trip, exploit, etc., etc., because they are the end which justifies their meanness.  You are alien to Self and, therefore, their imagined rules of the game, of victory at any cost, means it is OK to destroy you.

This is the mean world view.  And they cannot conseptualise that you do not understand it, apparently.  It boggles their fucked up minds.  How can you be in the game and yet not be playing by their rules?!  YOU must be the one who is delusional!

The Machiavellian, law-of-the-jungle, mean world view is grounded on one premise: Not that we are born and alive, but that we are mortal and shall die.  It tries to manipulate people by instilling FEAR, not only of death, but of related pain, or poverty, or shame, or a dashing of one's goals and expectations.  Gurus like Jesus, Lao Tsu, Socrates, Gandhi, Thoreau, Saint Francis, Mother Teresa, and thousands upon thousands who have been persecuted or killed by protesting arrogant power and greed, put forth the idea that, even if one ends up dying by living a life contrary to the rampages of this world view, one will retain one's individual power, and win.

Not only this, but through these sages, the rest of mankind has been able to imagine, venture freely, create and rise towards a healthier world view - higher than that of the id, the animals, the psychos.  And, after all, there are countless reports that death is not so bad.  All the pain is in living.  And I can attest to that.

The world may not be full of Hitlers.  But it full of Hitler wanna-be's.  They don't admit this.  They may claim to revere Bill Gates, or Hillary Clinton, or Vladimir Putin, or Johnny Depp, or Jesus Christ, or any number of Idols.  But they secretly work withing their circle, within their hood, within the family, to extend their Self into immortality and absolute control.  It is a gross perversion of the simple will to exist.

All around the world, there are pockets, or bubbles upon  bubbles, with one these Napoleonic autocrats at each of their centres.  And most of the people around them - the flying monkeys - admire and support them, for the "courage" - for the sin - that they themselves lack.  These enablers - the better part of humanity - are mini-narcissists.  Mini-Hitler wanna-be's.  And they look to the centre, their rising stars, and basically say, "Well.  He may be Hitler.  But he's OUR Hitler."

Hitler's delusion - Stalin's, Maos, etc. - resulted in the deaths of millions upon millions of people, making no sense, accomplish nothing but failure. But, honestly, this number pales in comparison to the millions - or billions - of people who have been crippled or killed by the ignorance and aggression of the vast conspiracy of petty Hitlers across the globe, along with their stupid, willing enablers.

Caught on a carnival ride called competition (for its own sake).

s- 'competition for its own sake', 70 deadly sins - greed/ hedonism, hitler - adolph, violence / fascism, psychology - psychopaths - successful ps, bullying - bullies and sheeple, narcissism - narcissists/ psychopaths, competition / cooperation, bullying / bullies - and see psych, bullying - bully logics, all * narcissists/ narcissism/ psychopat, silly human race, psychology - aggression

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