Reading the Hand of God: Superstition and luck in the human world.

Apr 04, 2022 06:20

Caught up, on recent comments at least, somewhat, sort of.  Sometimes, most of the time, trying to take in more info than my brain energy envelope can handle results in brain caterpillar and subsequent new-kind-of migraine.  Thus I am better at generating my own thought, just as a stroke or Alzheimer's victim is better at dancing than walking, better at singing than talking, and certainly better at babbling than at math.  We call these people demented, which is like saying a person who lost their legs is a bad walker.  Like calling an exploded battery insufficiently charged. Like calling someone with no mitochondrial ATP energy, "depressed". It's a comfy ego boost. It's superstition. Same difference.

My brain was trying to take in what my sister was saying and her insecure self misinterpretted that as judgement and so she started yelling at me which only made thinking harder and then in comes brother who judges me to be the problem cuz that is the scheme to begin with.  They are trapped in some kind of barracuda-like judging contest.  Which is how they will exit this world.  They envy the dead and maybe well they should.  Anyway...

Let's see if I can generate a little thought here...

I have written how human beings do their stuff, build their empires, wage their wars, inflict genocide, and so on, mainly compelled by influences of which they are witless. Such as viruses, desertification, overpopulation, climate change, planetary and galactic influences, stupid assumptions or denial, gossip or lies, quantum flux, chaos, or simply the weather. The weather includes changing barometric pressure, inconvenience from rain or snow, surprise emergencies, changes in static electricity, limbic frights from thunder or lightning, the tides, food rotting or diseases, droughts causing inflation, happy sunny days, too much solar radiation, too much CO2, acid rain, angry animals, gobal superstorms, and so on. While all of this is happening off on the infinite periphery of human awareness, individual persons resort to the simplest possible reaction: They blame (or appreciate) other people. This is superstitious behaviour. Meanwhile, en masse, individuals combine and conspire to eat up the planet. This is called emergence. Based on extremely simple logics. This is called reduction.

Brain said more later...

my family/relatives, multi-factoral! / multifactoral!, psychology - ego / egoism / vanity, superstition/s, psychology - blame, free will and fate / determinism, psychology - superstition, environ - weather and climate, silly human race, my cfs diary (2022), s- 'reading the hand of god' (2022 serie

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