It pains me to say.

Apr 03, 2022 13:25

Such great pain in brain today.  So, I get up at 4:am, so I can possibly be functional by 3:pm.  This is not way to live.  Compensated a few minutes ago by eating Amy's gf Enchilada plus dairy free burrito.  And half an avocado.  Most Mexican in years.  I am hoping that it flushes the relapse out of my system but you am I kidding?  I also caught crazy eye from little cricket.  Do you believe it snowed like gangbusters yesterday?!  Remind me to do a post on how god is on some peoples' side by some curious quirk of nature.  Maybe in a few hours I will work on my bank account online.  That's always fun.  Will apply for home energy assistance as my gas bill alone is beyond $200.  Going to rest now.  Give my second brain something to think about.
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