LJ Freedom of Speech in Russia

Apr 03, 2022 05:10

I look at all those Cyrillic posts and throw up my hands. What is the point?! But I guess my browser can translate some of those pages and a good job it does! Here's some Russian guy ranting shit about the great Putin. I personally think Putin is a god and a good person and I wish no harm to him or at all to my LJournal. But, check this out. Click the pic for the guy's LJ entries page...

"Results of Vlad (Impaler) Putin's psychiatry examination"

The Cornell University School of Law in the United States posted a psychiatric portrait of Vladimir Putin on its website. This document is the first analysis of the origins of the behavior of the Russian president; it was completed just the other day by order of American intelligence, and in a month it will be released in the form of a book.

According to this document, Putin as a child was a fairly feminine boy who had an aversion to physical labor, but enthusiastically skated. His mother forced him to wear a baby bra with stocking clasps in the winter, and he felt like a girl, which seemed to him to be an imposed image, but this image haunts him all his life. Even when he kisses children on the stomach in adulthood, he always looks for that old bra in which he was dressed.

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He was never given pocket money. Ice cream and cigarettes were bought by his friends, most often the Rotenberg brothers. They also persuaded him to enroll in the SAMBO section, in which little Putin never sang. Another feature of his physical development: he could not accustom himself to alcohol and tobacco. The first caused him bouts of vomiting, rage and memory loss, the second - a terrible mosaic allergy, when the face goes crimson spots, and the pupils turn yellow.

An important point. Attending the sports section, he had just not been subservient to the coaches, terribly afraid of them, but he did not leave the section because of stubbornness and self-hatred. And before that, he literally bowed to the backwaters in the St. Petersburg gateway. When the spahn surrounded the victim and knocked him to the ground, the vain Putin always took to finish him off. He did it cruelly and with undisguised pleasure - kicks to the head.

He was also often tormented by nightmares close to a state of panic caused by the causes of a malfunction in hormonal development. He never became a pronounced pedophile, but only because he was afraid of being raped by a company of thugs. In order not to fall into the hands of thugs, he decided to join their circle, thinking that this would save him.

And little Putin was afraid that he would never grow up, that is, he would remain, in his own words, "a meter with a cap." And although this did not cause hatred for those who are higher than him, yet the desire to always stand away from the high he did not survive over the years.

Until the age of fifteen, he urinated in his pants, not only in bed, which can not help but leave an imprint for a lifetime. I guessed that if they are punished, it is only for the truth, which means that it cannot be said (emphasis mine - roar22). But we must demand from the weak - and if they lie, then punish! Conclusion: don't be weak, be boss, cool. All his childhood he wanted to be noticed, singled out, the nickname Mole he did not like, but fear drove him into a corner. One day on a frosty New Year's Eve, I stood naked in the middle of the yard with carrots in my ass - for an argument with the boys. Withstood a quarter of an hour, the carrot - the root inwards, the head - outwards. I didn't repeat it again.

Orders for mass murder, such as execution by a "newcomer" or the bombing of Syrian cities, as well as what later happened in Ukraine, all grew out of his childhood complexes: he hated his weakness and willingness to obey his direct superiors in gb, Sobchak, and then Yeltsin, and could not calmly remember the humiliations to which he was subjected by a sadistic father.

Like many of his childhood peers, he experienced a fascination with the German SS world shown in Lioznova's film. He and his buddies relentlessly zigged in the front room, tried to walk with the gait of the brave Abwehr officers, even wringed the tulle on the cap. At a summit in Brussels, Merkel told him that his hatred of Britain was similar to that felt by Germans in Hitler's entourage. Putin did not learn English in principle.

As an adult, he saw his depressed mother die in a nursing home, and he was frightened that so would his death. The event took place three years before the presidency.

The psychiatric report is based on a report written last December by Dr. Walter Langer. Later, it was this report that served as the basis for his own announced book "Putin's Mind: Can He Think Like a Man?", which is ready for publication.

American researchers give Putin banal diagnoses such as: neurosis, hysteria, schizophrenia, paranoia, Oedipus complex and "syphilophobia". The latter stands for "fear of blood poisoning through contact with a woman." Curiously, the woman is meant, in the words of Putin himself, belonging to the "Russian type", he often stated this in the sauna of the cooperative "Lakes". That is, Putin is not a misanthrope, but clearly a misogynist. He loves Russians, while believing that many of them are affected by venereal diseases. Therefore, he tries not to touch anyone.

All experts agree that the authors were remarkably accurate in their predictions. Judging by the report, Putin has been slowly sinking into quiet madness since 2010 and will eventually make himself dead by someone invented by his imagination. A lover of Western film productions, he imagines his own demise at the hands of 007 or some superheroes in developing cloaks with colorful masks on his head. That is why Putin never stands at an open window. However, where it happens, the windows are always deafeningly closed, if they exist at all.

Putin's Final! It will symbolize, as it were, the myth of a hero devoted to Russian, who fell from the machinations of the Anglo-Saxons. Or Putin will finally lock himself in his bunker and perhaps quietly die in it at a depth of 30 meters underground, wrapped in a thick blanket and buried face in a German tapestry on a concrete wall.

That will happen, most likely, by the summer of 2022.

Dear Conflict Commission LiveJournal! This post is not an insult to the crazy head of the AP, but on the contrary! Therefore, do not freeze it, as they froze my article "Attack of paraphilia in the President of the Russian Federation", which can be read here

Shameful. I feel sorry for the poor fellow.


cyrillic, countries - russia / ussr, putin - vladimir, satire / works of satire, mockery, freedom of speech / of information

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