Hitler was right all a wrong.

Nov 26, 2021 16:46

I have been having an extremely bad CFS day.  A little at a time, I have been working on nice heady post, but my own head has collapsed, and so that post will have to happen later.  Here is more about Hitler.  In the last post, Jordan Peterson noted how Hitler was actually a fuck-up, because he did major countre-productive things, like focusing on killing Jews at the same time he was fighting a war.  Based on an orderly, regime built to disinfect the country and then the planet, Hitler's scheming, in reality, lead to mayhem, and defeat, and exorbitant expense, and lots of subsequent dirt and disease.  But the more he and his gang failed, the more they pushed ahead, convinced that they were Right.  Which is what narcissistic psychopaths do.  Even when they claim to be saving the world, they leave a trail of destruction in their wake.  Because.  Part of them.  Is addicted to destruction.  Which is what some call, 'evil'.

Aside: "How I Saved The World."

These two videos were posted today by an LJ friend.  I won't mention her name, because it was a private post, plus this is not a good time to be advertising my LJ friends.  But, she said this, in her post: "If you don't see the parallels of these lectures to today's political climate....? You're a fool. - And probably a victim."

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When "conscientiousness" runs amok.

peterson - jordan, fascism - creeping fascism/ rise of fasc, unintended consequences, hitler - adolph, sociology - mass sociopathy, history - nazi

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