Oct 21, 2021 20:47

I have been saving Chewy (etc.) boxes for years. Back when the realtor/photographer came through to take pics, I cleaned up the apartment. I decided to throw out several boxes, which included the big lawnmower box. Cut them all up and threw them down in the front hall. Wasn't able to clear them away in time, so they came through, miffed that the under-stairs closet was blocked by an upturned love seat and all this cardboard.

I thought I had enough boxes to do all the packing. And, maybe I do. I just wanted some of those bigger boxes back, so I would have been able to put little boxes into big boxes. How sad No one should ever have to scrimp for boxes.

In doing this project, I first began with the closets. Cleared all them out. Finally, I did the downstairs hall, and went inside that little closet. A box of CFS literature, and a box of environmental literature. Meant for groups I had hoped to meet here. I repacked the CFS box tonight, adding more recent stuff. Good to have it around. Lots of medical research info.

Well, I thought I had cleared out every domestic extremity. But, there was one that I had missed: The back downstairs closet. I didn't get around to that because boxes were being loaded as they say on top of the floor-door leading down there.

I went down there today, and holy shit. More stuff to pack! About 10 large bottles of water to empty. And giant tarps. And rolls of fencing, and metal fence posts. And books. So, this threw a monkey wrench into my craw. Still pushing, though. Still hoping to make the Wednesday deadline. If I don't, then it really will be a dead line.

But the good thing about discovering the downstairs stash? Boxes inside of boxes! Big ones! And medium ones! I did have to ask the disposal company if they could take all the cardboard I won't be able to pack into my bin. No. No, they can't. Hmmm.

Btw: I am really concerned that the moving truck will not be big enough for all this. I have lots of furniture. All this stuff barely fits in here. OK. Gotta go. Will be turning off this computer tomorrow.

moving 2021, boxes

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