Rise and shine, you crazy diamond.

Oct 20, 2021 10:18

Written earlier:
I went to bed late and also had insomnia and then I woke up around 5:am and now I am up because there is so much to do.  Run run run.  I had oatmeal w/ blueberries and cashews.  This is the green tea I am drinking.  It is a good brand.  Green tea has lower caffeine than black tea, etc., but some green tea is actually decaffeinated.  This tea is not decaffeinated.  Often, if you take a nap after consuming caffeine, you will get a boost of ATP energy.  Maybe I can do this today.  It's one of the best CFS therapies, since CFS is a dysfunction involving the ATP cycle.  However, it usually only lasts a little while and then ya crash again.  OK - so now I am going to tackle the back room, really.  Note: My dial-up internet was going like gangbusters after I logged on, but in a few minutes it hit tar again.  I guess they found out it was me.
After a small amount of work, had to rest, and am still tired.  Feeling consequences of last 2 days.  Idea of mowing was a lunatic daydream.

Prices are shooting up.  Didn't I warn you about the coming INFLATION?  Yes, I did.  Here it is.  Meanwhile, Canada is imprisoning a preacher for not wearing a mask; and Americans are still in solitary confinement in WDC, and the together and pristine San Francisco is closing down the In-And-Out Burger joint on Fisherman's Wharf because they refuse to check customers' vaccination stati,  "May I seee your paaaapersss?!"  It doesn't matter if people have immunity via having had the illness - immunity which is 27 times stronger than that gained via any vaccine regime I mean regimen.  Doesn't matter if you have Lupus or Lime Disease.  Mask and Jab!  Mask and Jab!  Because this a revolution against science as much as it is against your rights.  There are two reasons why Biden et al decreed a Mandate which it never actually enacted into law: 1 - They knew it would get sued out of the water, and, 2 - They want to leave it up to businesses, to be scared into thinking there will be a mandate, so they will fire workers for not vaccinating, and so on: SO THAT THE BUSINESSES WILL BE SUED OUT OF EXISTENCE.  Because this is, consistently, also a war against CAPITALISM.  In war, there are no mistakes, only insatiable ENDS.

I support In And Out Burgers!

I support Chicago's Fraternal Order of Police!

I support the people who don't want Soros-funded prosecutors letting criminals back out onto the streets!

I support all the police, soldiers, national guard members, marines, sailors, and Navy Seals who refuse to accept Biden's little prick, who are consequently having to leave their stations, positions, jobs and careers, while out country becomes further endangered by China.

I support all the employees and businesses who have stood against this infringement on personal privacy and liberty, and that includes those workers protesting outside the headquarters of South West Airlines...

image Click to view

While I was sitting outside the library the other day, some guy comes out, takes of his mask, and shouts, "Ah!  Fresh air!"  And I said, "We were born to breath free!"  And he agreed.  Police in Seattle, who won't accept this genetic experiment, are putting decals on their cars, which say, "Don't Tread On Me!"  Hey - where is that Seattle LJ friend who posts about crime, homelessness, the police, etc., in Seattle?  Where are his posts?  It would sure be interesting to read some reports from him these days.  I don't think I have any more LJ friends in Portland, so I won't be getting reports about Portland continuing to reward rioters for rioting.  Criminals are being allowed to go free.  And nothing is being done about the incursion from the border.  This is just like the Russian communist revolution, when they let all the prisoners and thugs run amok - because they thrive on destruction.

And, dare I say it, even while the leaders condemn capitalism, they capitalise on the crisis.  Just Look at the BLM leaders, Rom Emmanuel, Kamala Harris.  Like their free money and promises during the pandemic, now turning into INFLATION, they only bring harm to the poor in the end.  And the majority of people who are standing and speaking up against this have lived in Eastern Europe, Venezuela, Cuba, the U.S.S.R., even China.  Why do you suppose that is?  Their eyes are open.  Their backs are strong.  Their hearts are true.  They are closer to Common Sense than are common Americans.

OK, back to work...


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