Power / Capacity / Information! - (p2): THE ENTROPY OF POWER

Oct 19, 2021 22:04

I started this a while back...

I have been seeking the truth.  It really does set you free.  It sets you free of bullshit, which people use to control other people, and such.  Tyrannical governments do everything they can to silence those who speak the truth, which has become more easy the more our society relies on digital information and Big Tech.  Nevertheless, even if you are bound up by the lies and usurpations of Big Brother and his fellow Lilliputians, you can remain free when knowing the truth.  Theoretically, this is a major tenant of Christianity, which had partly been a countre-force to tyranny, (which has been an element of most other religions, as well).  What we will call, "Anti-Christianity," (which can include a corrupt Vatican, sometimes), involves the lust for power above truth, and above the people wherein truth resides.

I have said that the development of the awareness of truth, like the development of science and energy-efficient technology, is a kind of capacitation.  Think of it as a maximisation of output in relation to the costs of a system.  If you can get a 6,500 BTU air conditioner that replaces your old 6,500 BTU air conditioner, but uses half as much electricity, this is capacitation.  That is a replacement of a system, but capacitation better applies to the improvement of a single system.  In health, a person can gradually reduce his or her vulnerability to stress, and so illness and aging, by eating better, meditating, avoiding toxic people, etc.  This is a capacitation, where a person becomes more robust and creative in otherwise stressful situations.  More efficiency, less cost.  OR: more power, less energy, as this person can have a measurably stronger reaction to resistance, or a more powerful creative movement towards a future.  Capacitation increases choice and ability.

Whereas capacitation can increase the ability to be powerful, power, itself, tends to work against, and eventually diminish, capacitation.  Power tends to burn out a system, by operating it at higher capacity, and/or by manipulating external systems - assistors - which creates drag, over time.  In your mind, you lose your mental capacitation - or sanity - when you start buying into lies.  Lies, in the real world, may be cheap in the short-term, but require a whole lot of metal and behavioural energy to keep appearing consistent.  And, this denial eventually leads to force, in an attempt to maintain the apparent authority - or power - of the mind, the person, or the government.

I have defined power, (political or social), as the ability to tell lies and get away with it.  [That's similar to a machine, system, economy, or country, manipulating external, (and therefore more entropic), agencies or currencies, often via brute force, or cheating].  Making false promises is one form of lie-telling.  Leading a population to believe that it is wealthy, whilst sucking away it's wealth, is another form.  Lying by omission, lying by misrepresentation, and little-white lying, are other forms.  They seem to provide instantaneous advantage, or relief form stress, but become geometrically expensive over time, just like entropy, which systems, and people have evolved to avoid or overcome.

Some lies are little, or even big, investments, and they may have a pay-off, for CEO's, but they cost the corporation dearly, over time.  But, many Americans are addicted to believing that the investments of dishonesty are white lies needing to be told, because that's the way to get ahead or to get what you want.  Or to accomplish you ends, which are inevitably, because of your own inflated sense of self, always the most wonderful and altruistic and self-sacrificing ends possible, all others be damned.  And, so, many people become obsessed with lying, such that they will lie when they really don't have to lie.  And these people, generally indoctrinated at an early age, are called psychopaths.

Fortune sometimes smiles on some who bravely chase after power, telling their lies, but it more often condemns all others who do so.  It's a matter of the pie always being too small.  What is going to happen when so many millions of people all run after the same goal, by using lies, and cheating, and so on - when all of these resources are entropic, and degenerative over time?  Except those that feed into one rising political system of Force, the ultimate denial?  The gridiron becomes a killing field, where contestants essentially eat each other, alive.  A mass circular firing squad.  And this is the way of, ultimately, of all power, detached from, and destroying, capacitation, outlawing the truth, and raping the honest.  "It's our way or the highway."

entropy - power vs capacity, **, dysfunctionalism, entropism, lies / lying / liar liars, s- 'power / capacity / information' (ser

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