Yesterday, I started seriously wondering if I was experiencing some kind of brain dysfunction.
I kept catching whiffs of some unpleasant smell. Not all the time, at odd moments. I could not track it down for the life of me. Nothing in my apartment smelled. Nothing on me smelled. It was a really strange, kind of putrid, moldy smell. For a moment I actually started thinking about the phantom smells that precede seizures. Something rotting is definitely one of the classic sensory-precursor smells, along with oranges and pencil shavings. Since I did not, in fact, have any kind of seizure, I put the thought from my head.
This morning, I noticed that the flowers on my dining-room table looked a little peaked. I peered into the vase and there was some kind of yucky moldy stuff on some of them. And that's what smelled. I have no idea why I didn't think of sniffing the flowers in the first place.
At least I don't have some kind of brain lesion.
Quick weekend blog recap for those with big flists:
my Friday was irritating in a general way, I went out on the town and
stared at David Bowie's bulge, and discovered that
Joseph Gordon-Levitt has grown up to eerily resemble Heath Ledger. For you Runway fans, there's a nice picture of Miss USA workin' Kayne's winning gown at the Miss Universe pageant over on
Blogging Project Runway. Also, a plea. The lovely and talented
genealogygirl emailed me because she couldn't find something on my blog, and now it's bugging me because I can't find it, either. Once upon a time last summer I swear I wrote a long essay about why Hermione was not OOC in HBP. I have tried every tag I can think of and paged through all my post HBP subject lines through October and I can't find it.
I'm wondering if I actually wrote this in a comment, and not in an entry. If this WAS an entry and somebody has it memoried, or if I left these thoughts in a comment, can somebody let me know where it is if they can? Penny would like to use it for a panel of some kind about Hermione. Muchas gracias.