It ought to be "hung like a Bowie" instead of a horse.

Jul 23, 2006 15:19

Holy shit, skip=150 this morning (since about 6 pm last night). It doesn't help that everybody and their brother is posting Doctor Who fanvids. *sigh* I have ten tabs of fic updates, icons, and to-be-commented-upon posts to read after I post this update.

I had a really fun evening last night. I went out with The Lovely Roommate, the Lovely Roommate-in-Law and The Fabulous Nancy. The campus theater was doing a midnight show of "Labyrinth" so we decided to go. We had dinner down on campus (I got a little tipsy without really meaning to) and planned to just hang out at the Barnes & Noble, but they closed at 10:00! On a Saturday, that's just lame. So we ended up sitting outside Caribou Coffee where we partook of conversation, tall frou frou coffee drinks and were accosted by panhandlers, drunken bachelor-party dudes, and one guy who thought I was being racist because I happened to move my purse as he walked by.

The movie was a blast. Packed theater. Damn, but that movie's all about Bowie's package, isn't it? It got to the point that every time he was on screen the entire audience burst out laughing because it was just so there. I don't remember it being quite so prominently displayed. People, listen. Black tights are your friends.

Rachel came over yesterday afternoon and took some of her pictures and wall-stuff, so I spent some time hanging temporary stuff on the walls until I get myself sorted out and Emily brings her wall stuff. I'm glad I'd already stockpiled a significant amount of framed replacement Nerd Lair wall art because a lot of it is doing pinch-hitter duty on the living room walls.

I am now about to commit film-buff suicide, I think. The other day I set the DVR to tape "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid," which I had actually never seen. I watched it this afternoon.

I didn't like it. I know, it's a big classic, it's a perennial favorite, it made Redford a star, yeah yeah. I found it pretty damned boring, actually. I was puzzled and disappointed.

Oh well.

personal: cbus friends, daily life: weekend reports, movies: classic, events: moving, movies: thumbs down

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