Once a month, about halfway through my Irritating Moon-Correlated Monthly Cycle of Ladyparts, I usually have this one day where I just feel like bursting into tears constantly, and for no particular reason, and then I wander around in a cloud of free-floating nonspecific anxiety. It's...disconcerting. It was yesterday.
Today I feel great! Back to my usual chipper self. Plus I look cute today. I'm wearing all black including my knee-high black go-go boots and
dramatic-tree jewelry from Winterfair. My hair is now long enough that it's doing -- well, it's kind of doing a Farrah thing with the way I blow-dry it. I might experiment with alternative ways to style it.
Tonight I have a birthday celebration gathering for my friend Jessimi. That'll be fun. Beforehand I plan to do Coffee Shop Writing.
So...I gotta show you guys something. Lori did a bad, bad thing. Or rather, Lori looked at a bad, bad thing.
I've been toying with the idea of taking a small part of my bonus this year (95% of which is going to Responsible Being-An-Adult Things) and buying myself a real piece of jewelry for Christmas. A ring, probably. Not an OMG SRS BZNS RING but not costume. Like in the couple-hundred-bucks range. Something I could still wear every day but that wouldn't turn my fingers green, yanno? So I'm in Powell the other day at the bead store. Next door is a brand-new fine jewelry store run by a jewelry designer. It's all his own stuff inside. So I go in and look. Beautiful things. The guy couldn't have been nicer. He had lots of lovely rings in the price range I was considering.
And then...oh, and then. He showed me this ring. THIS RING OMG. I saw it and it was like choirs of angels descended to shine their heavenly light upon it. Then I saw the price tag and the angels did that vinyl-record-needle-scratch.
I should not have tried it on after I saw the price tag. But I did.
Okay. That's 14K white gold with 0.25 carats of diamonds. But that hardly matters. LOOK AT IT.
This ring is waaaay out of my price range. Like, almost by an order of magnitude.
But drooling is free, right?
I shouldn't spend anything on jewelry anyway. If I want to take a little of my bonus and buy myself something, it ought to be a new camera. Or a Wii, so I can play Guitar Hero watch Netflix streaming on my TV.