A few things I need to speak

Jul 15, 2015 01:59

With all the bs goin on with the rebel flag and the like. I am a person who finds humor and truth in the most obscure way. And i have folks who wanna put me on blast publicly calling me ignorant. Im tired of this shit. If you mother fuckers cant get your head outta yo ass and see that yhere is more than one meaning to something and cant see beyond your own agenda then theres the door. Im am tired of being put on blast because of how feel about things. Im not going to respond to you because your looking to pick a fight. Go show your ass on some one elses page or what ever it is. I am not a obama fan never have been. I know as a queer woman i should. No he didnt completly back gay marraige only half assed to cover his ass. Any thing he has done was to cover his ass. I am greatful for tax returns and the tiny pices of health care reform.

I hate health care reform because it is attacking the wrong sides and ia causeing more hikes in costs. Putting more americans deeper into poverty. When you have to much month at the end of your paycheck and have to pat premiums out the ass on top of yout bills or be fined even more and cant get the medical card because you make to much. Thay doesnt make sense. Now if im wrong in my understanding correc me but if your going to attack me fuck off bitch.

I cant believe the bs thats going in this country and we are in a ressession. Sorry the poor and the middle class working middle class at that cant make ends meet yet employment is not going up in our market frame . Minuma wage is not livable yet if we rase it then the cost goes up so how can we live on min wage if foos sky rockets and bills climb higher. I hate goverenment regs but somethings gotta give here.

My brain is spinning and reeling here. I am broke person who cant catch a break half the time and then i cant speak my voice bc some dumb ass says its not politically correct. Im knocking some ones race or gender. Im tired of hearing im a bad person because om tired of hearing how caitlyn jenner is this that and the other. Let the woman be people transtion all the time quite freaking out its not a jab at her and get off your high horse. If you wave your rebel flag okay that doesnt always make you a racist... Just like waving my american flag doesnt mean im what people stereotype me as... Your flag does not make you. Privlage has nothing to with. Just because you are on a diet doesnt justify you being offended by me eating a doughnut.

Political correctness has a time and place i agree there are ground rules we shouldnt    go around be slanderous or dehumanizing others etc but come on people really grow a pair and realize that sometimes you have to put your big kid undies on and face the world.

People who are dear to me say hurtful things and will never chamge their mind abouy gay rights. A battle i will never win. I let it go because it only causes more harm than good. When i wage that war though i go in with kindness and understanding. I dont name call and judge you never gain ground like that. You have to meet people where they are and gain their trust and respect before anything is changed. Going in guns loaded will never solve anything and i am turned off greatly by this. I hate it in fact. Hate is not a word use lightly and when i use it i mean it. I will turn you off the instant you come at me with guns a blaze.

You gain more flys with honey than vinegar. So if you want me to listen or at least talk to civially start out with honey not the atomic bomb.

Okay now that i have set ablaze half the country which can kiss my ass. Im going go to bed now and dream of ladies that i am currently crushing on....
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