Jun 17, 2015 22:38
Tonight i am burdened with the thoughts. The thoughts of this idea of being overtly pc. Pc has its place and is good for the most part. But isnt it just polietly labeling people and forcing them to choose a box that may or may not fit them. And when you mention your fed ul with it for a moment people shoot you down like your a hater or a murder.
Labels serve a general purpose yes and help go along yet they can divide us too. They make unrealistic sterotypes and bianaries. Your male OR female tall OR short. This idea of different and the word OR. And claiming a label and clinging to it like we are extremest or the westboro babtist church folks we have all come to detest.
The idea of labels as a divder needs to be examened in relation to politcal correctness. Yes we all have privlage in our own ways. White privlage or age privlage or abled priviliage and the list goes on. We have intersectionalities. We are not just one label or one pc label we are many and are becoming divided becausw we cling to the bigger label. We are so focused on the small things we can not see the bigger picture. Humanity. We focus on the male hatred or black proverty that we forget the common core humanity.
Yes we are unique and vibrante and worthy of diversity but that one thing that unites us as homospaiens is just that, when. the day is done and all is washed away, whats left is a human being with working parts a soul that yerns for compassion and belonging.
When you strip race gender age sex relgion etc etc and no labels whats left is a soul a spirit. That belongs to a greater picture that isnt ment to be discected and labeled just experienced and enjoyed.
When you leave the baggage of political correctness and labels alone you find humor in them and how usefully useless they are. That no human is completly that label. There are untruths about each one and they get blown out of wack by every view point that my mind has reached a can no longer take this bull shit any more.
I am for poliet labels. But it can be over done. That is my personality. Im not going to call some one a "n" word because that is slander. But i will call u on ur shit. If u know me more than five minutes you know i call it as i see it. If i see you as a white male and you perfer something else ill call ya what ya want to be called. I was unaware of my mislabeling. I dont expect a lashing the first time or two. Understandabley so if i keep doing it and ive known ya for years.
Dont attack folks right off.
I guess it boils down to see the forest and not jsust the trees while catching your flys with honey and not vinegr.