Sep 08, 2006 09:35
My sister's iMac G5 17" (Sept05), stopped responding during a security update (running Panther 10.3.9).
She said it was 53% done or something, and it stopped. She left it for 20 minutes and it didn't move. Other programs she had open stopped responding so she force-quit them. She then put the computer to sleep (she said she thought it might be tired ;-). It would not wake from sleep fully (just go to a plain grey screen with the cursor).
Powered-off holding the button down, and starting up got to apple logo with spinning icon, and hung for 30 minutes, then she powered it off again.
Booted from installer CD and computer stops responding completely when disk utility is 'searching for disks'. Also freezes (can't use menus or click on anything, normal cursor, can still drag window around screen) when running installer preperation scripts -- right after choosing 'english' language. Installer CD seems undamaged.
Hardware Test CD passes the 'quick test' including finding the boot device...
I'm going to take the drive out and try putting it in another computer, but I wanted to check if anyone had any other ideas on here...It's out of warrenty, and of course she has no backups of any of her files (she finally bought a large external USB HD last spring when her computer was running out of disk space, and has been 'meaning to do it' all summer).