Cat Stew Anyone?

Oct 04, 2008 09:11

So, my baby woke up this morning and was still very tired. David was able to get her to go back to sleep and now the cat will not leave her alone. Gigi loves Mac! She always wants to be with her and loves to take a nap with her. The only problem is that she wants to do "happy paws" on the person she lays with until she is comfortable. She is rolling all over the bed with her big ole' claws hanging out and everytime I tell her to stop Mac opens her eyes. I want to kill the cat. She does this all the time and I think she knows she isn't suppose to! She looks at me while she reaches out with her claws towards Mac's hands or heard or whatever body part she is near. But, I know it's it because she wants love and I haven't given her much since the baby was born. I feel bad kicking her off the bed or out the room. Gigi use to be my baby. I mean the darn cat would spoon with me everynight and now McKenzie has taken her place. And, overall she is doing great with her displacement in the family and adjusting a lot better than I had expected. She's a good cat!

When Mac sleeps way past the time I usually have to get her up to go to work it makes me feel bad that I have to wake her up every morning! We usually leave the house by 815 so she was to be up before then to get milk and clothes on. And, right now it's 930 and she is still sound asleep. She's just like her dad like that; stays up late and likes to sleep in. My favorite is when she is supose to be sleeping for like 2-3 hours and she wakes up 20 minutes later with a big smile and her face that says "ok mama I slept and I'm ready to play" and I'm like oh no you don't you need more sleep!

This blogging thing is easy....I could go on and on!
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