I'm A Virgin!!

Oct 02, 2008 22:00

So, I have never posted a blog before. I have no idea what I am doing! But, Diana needs one so she can be up to date on Mc's daily activities. I figured I will start out writing about Mckenzie and see where it goes from there. I have a feeling that there may come a day when Mac might want to read this and find out about what she was doing on any given day. This blog may also help to make the transition to vegas (if it happens) a bit easier.

Today was a good day. Although, again Mac didn't have a very long nap at all. But, my mom came over and we showed off Mac's latest skil, rolling! She is a rolling fool! I can't even change her diaper without her trying to roll over on to her tummy. It is offical that I can no longer leave her on the bed without building a pillow fort around her. Lucky for me she can only roll one way right now. But, I am sure it will only be a matter of days before she discovers the other side and that she can roll from her tummy back to her back. It's actually quite funny because she loves to roll but hates to be on her tummy! So, she rolls and then gets mad about being on her tummy so I roll her over again and she rolls onto her tummy again and then gets mad again. I love it! After mom left we went and saw Diana and she helped me to set up my blog. We"ll see how things go and how often I can actually get on here to write. I guess it will be a good time for David and Mac to hang out and I can have a few minutes to myself!
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