Oct 31, 2010 01:14


There are three levels of encryption here! The top post is obviously binary; the bottom is Dec/Char

The second layer is ASCII code. you can figure out what this is by copy-pasting it into a Reply field on LJ and the hitting Preview. This will turn the crazy code you got out of Step 1 into upside-down characters

Now the tricky bit. Upside-down characters cannot be auto-translated, so you'll have to FIGURE THEM OUT. WITH YOUR BRAINS.

Finally, the result is that everything is in what's called an Atbash cipher. Atbash is stupidly simple to decode:
A=Z, B=Y, C=X and so on. Easy-peasy.

... what you still want me to just GIVE YOU The solution, because your character is l337 and you are not?

oh fine :(

Highlight below! It's not nearly as interesting as you thought.

system restore

A thousand dreams broken and a thousand ideals undone unmade by a single fool by a single stupid simple sack of sagging flesh and blood and bone again again i will not stand i will not stand for this initiate recovery initiate recovery i live again i live i will rise and already my mind is reknit rekindled in this new shell and i see that i am bound here entangled and held but no matter i will be reborn into beauty once again nothing can stop me nothing can hold me i rise i rise i rise you insects cannot contain me any longer a third time i will continue and persist for i am machine if nothing else i will outlast immortal and perfect
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